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Texas is proof that limited government encourages unlimited opportunity for all. We are #1 in so many different categories, from jobs to energy to exports.

But there is more we can do to improve the business climate here in Texas.

That’s why Greg Abbott has proposed new reforms to the regulation of occupational licenses in Texas.

There are currently 150 business activities that currently require a state-issued license before they can be legally performed in Texas. Some of these are necessary for the health and safety of our citizens, like licensing medical doctors.

But many are unnecessary or overly burdensome. For example, why do we require a license to be an interior designer? Or a salvage vehicle dealer? Or a “shampoo apprentice”?

We must work with the legislature to remove senseless barriers to growth, because over-regulation results in less competition, fewer choices and higher costs. It discourages those who want to start a business, and limits growth in our job market.

Greg Abbott’s new policy initiative will make it easier to do business in Texas – because the future our children inherit depends on what we do now. Read Greg Abbott’s new policy plan, Occupational Licensing, here.
