From Brad Jackson at
Attorney General Abbott has become an expert at challenging the Obama administration, filing suit against this regime to fight for the liberties of Texans and the rest of America as well. He has battled Obama’s over-reaching EPA whose war on fossil fuels could ruin not only the strong Texas economy, but that of other key energy producing states as well. The states that are helping to bring our economy back from the brink.
Abbott fought against Obamacare, filing suit against the law the day it was signed by the President. He has held Washington’s feet to the fire to protect the Second Amendment rights that we all hold so dear, especially in the face of a government whose menacing grip becomes tighter by the day.
Today Attorney General Greg Abbott becomes the 800-pound gorilla in the race to fill Rick Perry’s boots in Austin. As a charismatic, committed and conservative fighter with a battle-tested team behind him, Abbott is likely to clear the GOP field and is the odds on favorite to be the next Governor of Texas.