Abbott Brings Large Crowd to Basin Burger house
by Christina Dawidowicz
July 17, 2013
Midland — It was a full house at Basin Burger House today as everyone filled the patio.
People came to hear Attorney General Greg Abbott speak about issues they care about ranging from securing our border to jobs and education.
The crowd went wild as Abbott spoke of all he plans to accomplish if he is elected governor.
Basin Burger House was decked out in campaign support for Abbott.
After announcing that he’s running for governor, Abbott began a 10-city tour stop in different cities, including the booming Midland.
“I think he’s a good man, I think he’s fighting for Texas,” said Penny Crosson, a supporter of Abbott.
Abbott spoke about his accomplishments as attorney general saying he’s been fighting for the values and principles that have made Texas great.
Abbott picked Midland as one of his 10-city stops because of the job growth in the area. He says it will be a center piece for the future of the state.
“Midland/Odessa symbolizes that as much as any other place. We’re proud of what you’ve done here. We want everyone to know we’re gonna keep fighting for jobs in the Permian Basin and across Texas,” Abbot said.
Abbott also touched on the population growth having an effect on our community resources.
“I’m gonna have to set tough priorities that elevate water, schools and roads to the very top. We must fund those, even if it means cutting back in other areas,” Abbott added.
The famous Texas phrase, “don’t mess with Texas” is something Abbott applies to his work.
“I thought he really laid out his vision and plans on how he’s going to continue to move Texas forward, secure our borders, and make our education system better and level the playing field between main street and wall street,” said J. Ross lacy, the president of Midland County Young Republicans.
“I think it’s fantastic. I mean the guy has morals, he wants to turn Texas around, he wants to get government out of small businesses. He just has some really good ideas and I support him 100 percent. I think he’d make a great governor,” said Jim Eggemeyer, a supporter of Abbott.
Abbott says he is a fighter for the average working class family with goals that include getting high school graduates college ready or career ready.
He ended by asking the people of Midland to join him in the fight for the future and stake a claim for the next generation.
Abbott wants better education and more jobs and also heavily criticized the Obama Administration, to the crowds delight.
Abbott will continue his 10-city tour to El Paso before ending in Austin.