Abbott’s connection to Latino community genuine
By David L. Rosa
San Antonio Express-News
August 16, 2013
O. Ricardo Pimentel’s column “We love the wooing, but we’re looking for commitment” (Aug. 11) recycled liberal criticism about Republican outreach to Hispanic voters and completely missed the mark regarding Attorney General Greg Abbott’s commitment to the Hispanic community.
Pimentel rightly acknowledged that Abbott is courting the Hispanic vote in his quest to be our next governor. He also recognized Abbott’s genuine connection to San Antonio and the Latino community. His wife is Hispanic. They were married in San Antonio 32 years ago at Our Lady of the Lake, and her family still lives in the same house where she grew up.
I — and a large number of Latinos — disagree with Pimentel’s insinuation, however, that we are against election integrity laws, that we look to government to answer all our problems, and that we oppose states’ rights. His political bias has blinded him to the reality of quiénes somos. Latinos, as much as anyone, believe in the American dream. We believe that our hard work, our devotion to families, our faith and our individual freedom provide the best path for success.
The best path to empower the growing Latino community is through the economic opportunities that have stimulated the record job creation we have seen in Texas. That comes from getting government off our backs, not having growing government programs dictate more of our lives.
Abbott will create an environment that will grow jobs and provide employment for all Texans, regardless of race. Those jobs, in turn, will give the Latino community better economic mobility, better access to schools and health care, and a brighter future.
Abbott — like most Latinos — understands that the way for America to remain great is to use the Constitution as our guiding principle. Just as Pimentel believes in the First Amendment that allows him to write what he wants, and the Fifth Amendment that allows him to remain silent when he wants, he should also not selectively denigrate the 10th Amendment. The 10th Amendment protects the states’ rights that Pimentel seems to be against. It is those states’ rights that have helped Texas create more jobs than any other state during this last decade.
Pimentel’s criticism about voter ID and redistricting is also off-base. Surveys repeatedly show that Latinos in Texas overwhelmingly support voter ID. Latinos, like all Americans, want fair and legal elections. The Supreme Court has already ruled that voter ID does not unconstitutionally suppress voter participation. The federal government even said voter ID helps prevent voter fraud. Virtually everyone has an acceptable ID. If you don’t, then Texas will give you an ID for free.
Pimentel’s complaints about redistricting also miss the mark. The Voting Rights Act has played an important role in ensuring fairness in the election process. More recently, partisans have used it to harm Hispanic Republicans. State Reps. John Garza, Jose Aliseda, Raul Torres and Aaron Peña, and Congressman Quico Canseco were victims of partisan use of the redistricting process.
Latinos in Texas proudly embrace the Constitution that has made America the greatest land, and we know that the power of individual liberty far exceeds any false hope that big government promises. We know that Abbott is the best person to deliver on that promise as our next governor. He will do more than flirt with the Hispanic community. He will stick with us.
San Antonian David L. Rosa is an independent insurance agent.