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Abbott Securing the Future of Texas

For Immediate Release

Texans For Greg Abbott Presents: “Cecilia”

AUSTIN – Today, Texans For Greg Abbott released the first television ad of the general election cycle entitled, “Cecilia.” The ad features First Lady Cecilia Abbott discussing how her husband, Governor Greg Abbott, responded to his life-changing accident, his hard work and determination, and his love for his daughter, Audrey. The ad will run statewide.


Transcript for “Cecilia”:

FIRST LADY CECILIA ABBOTT: “Greg and I met in college. We married soon after. I learned what Greg Abbott was really made of when I saw how he responded to his paralyzing accident. His recovery took months, but he never gave up. And the joys of our marriage and adopting our daughter, Audrey, showed me the depths of his love and commitment. Hard work, perseverance and family; that’s what defines Greg Abbott and how he governs Texas.”