Cecilia Abbott Touts Husband In San Angelo
By Monique Ching
San Angelo Standard-Times
SAN ANGELO, Texas – Cecilia Abbott said she was devastated when her husband, Greg Abbott, was paralyzed decades ago, but the journey since then has shown her how unbreakable his spirit is.
“He took that toughness to a level I never thought possible,” Cecilia Abbott said, addressing a group of Republicans at the San Angelo Country Club on Thursday.
Cecilia Abbott shared a more personal side of her husband, the state’s attorney general and Republican gubernatorial nominee in the Nov. 4 general election. In attendance at the Concho Valley Republican Women’s luncheon were Tom Green County Sheriff David Jones, County Judge Steve Floyd and other candidates.
Cecilia Abbott began her story with meeting Greg Abbott in college.
“We were friends first,” she said, recalling how he carried a football with him everywhere he went. Cecilia Abbott said her parents “appreciated the way he treated me. … He was very responsible as a college student.”
After they married and moved to Houston, Cecilia Abbott said, her husband’s accident, in which a falling tree partially paralyzed him, occurred just a week before he was set to take the bar exam.
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