O’Rourke Wants To Increase Corporate And Capital Gains Taxes. JOHN HARWOOD: “What sounds right to you?” BETO O’ROURKE: “I think you at a minimum roll back the worst elements of the Trump tax cuts. So the top marginal tax rate back up to 39%. If you were to do that, and in addition make some other structural changes to our tax code — the corporate tax rate, which was brought down from 35% to 21%, bring that back up to 28% — great place to start. And as you probably know, you generate hundreds of billions of dollars over the next 10 years. If you were to tax capital at the same rate that you tax ordinary wage income, like the waiters who are working here, you also get to some greater structural correction to a very unequal economy, and you generate the revenue necessary.” (John Harwood, “Beto O’Rourke Begins Filling In The Blanks On The Economy, Taxes And Entitlements,” CNBC, 7/5/19)
El Paso’s Ordinance 16447 Raised Property Taxes In El Paso. (“Ordinance 16447,” City Of El Paso, Filed 7/31/06)
O’Rourke Voted For Ordinance 16447. “ORDINANCE 16447: The City Clerk read an Ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING 2007 TAXES. … Motion duly made by Mayor Pro Tempore Presi Ortega, Jr., seconded by Representative Byrd, that the Ordinance be ADOPTED. Whereupon the Mayor ordered that a vote be taken on the passage and adoption of the Ordinance which when so done resulted as follows: AYES: Representatives Lilly, Byrd, Presi Ortega, Jr., Steve Ortega, and O’Rourke NAYS: Representatives Lozano, Castro, and Holguin.” (“El Paso Regular Council Meeting Minutes,” City Of El Paso, 8/29/06)
In 2007 O’Rourke Voted For A Budget With A 9.4 Percent Increase In El Paso’s Property Taxes. “The vote on the budget was 4-3, with West-Central city Rep. Susie Byrd, East-Central Rep. Jose Alexandro Lozano, East ridge/Mid-Valley Rep. Steve Ortega and South-West Rep. Beto O’Rourke voting for the measure. Voting against a budget supported by a 9.4 percent property tax increase were Northeast Rep. Melina Castro, East Side Rep. Rachel Quintana and East-Valley Rep. Eddie Holguin.” (“City OKs $664 Million Budget After Lively Debate,” El Paso Times, 8/21/07)
In 2010 O’Rourke Voted For A Budget With A 1.73 Percent Increase In El Paso’s Property Taxes. “The City Clerk read an Ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING FY 2011 TAXES. Motion duly made by Representative Byrd, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore Acosta, that the Ordinance be ADOPTED AS REVISED, that property taxes be increased by the adoption of a tax rate $0.6537 of one percent of the assessed property value, which is effectively a 1.73% increase in the tax rate. … Whereupon the Mayor ordered that a vote be taken on the passage and adoption of the Ordinance which when so done resulted as follows: AYES: Representatives Lilly, Byrd, Acosta, Robinson, Quintana, Holguin, Ortega and O’Rourke NAYS: None” (“El Paso Regular Council Meeting Minutes,” City Of El Paso, 8/24/10)
O’Rourke Supports Raising Taxes On Oil And Gas Producers. “Beto O’Rourke released a proposal Monday outlining his plan to slash carbon emissions and finally wean the United States off of fossil fuels. … The $5 trillion proposal would be catalyzed by an initial $1.5 trillion investment, which his campaign says would be funded by ‘structural changes to the tax code’ that end corporate tax breaks for fossil fuels and other industries.” (Kate Wheeling, “Can Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies Pay For Beto O’Rourke’s Climate Plan?,” Pacific Standard, 4/30/19)