AUSTIN- As Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott addresses a meeting of the Human Trafficking Task Force today, Texans for Greg Abbott released a video featuring Sen. Leticia Van de Putte praising Abbott’s “phenomenal” leadership on this issue, in addition to highlighting his plan to continue address this issue as governor.
Communications Director Matt Hirsch released the following statement: “Greg Abbott has a proven record of leadership in protecting Texas children, families and communities from the heinous crime of human trafficking – and you don’t have to take my word for it – just ask Sen. Van de Putte. As Attorney General and Chairman of the Texas Human Trafficking Prevention Task Force, Greg Abbott has succeeded in cracking down on this horrendous crime, and as governor, he will propose further initiatives to curb the flow of human trafficking in Texas.”
In 2011, Sen. Van De Putte Praised Abbott For His Work That Was The Basis For Legislation Designed To Curb Human Trafficking: Sen. Van De Putte Praised Abbott For His Leadership On Human Trafficking In 2011. VAN DE PUTTE: “Attorney General Greg Abbott, who’s been phenomenal in his leadership in working with us. My gratitude for you and your office, to really shed some light on this, but also your leadership on this issue.” (Sen. Leticia Van De Putte, Press Conference On S.B. 24 Signing, Austin, TX, 5/25/11)
S.B. 24 Put “Into Law Recommendations From Attorney General Greg Abbott’s Human-Trafficking Task Force To Make Prosecution Easier And Expand Penalties.” “The bills were Senate Bill 24 by Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, D-San Antonio, and HB3000 by Thompson. … Perry said SB 24 puts into law recommendations from Attorney General Greg Abbott’s human-trafficking task force to make prosecution easier and expand penalties, while HB 3000 creates a ‘super first-degree felony’ for those charged with continuous human trafficking, subjecting them to additional sentencing.” (Peggy Fikac, “Perry Touts Human-Trafficking Measures, Slams Feds,” Houston Chronicle, 5/25/11)
Attorney General Abbott Has A Strong Track Record Against Human Trafficking: Attorney General Abbott Is Chairman Of The “Texas Human Trafficking Prevention Task Force” And Received New Friends New Life’s “Protect-Her Award” In 2013. “During its 10th annual Wings luncheon in Dallas, New Friends New Life presented its statewide Protect-Her Award to Attorney General Abbott for his efforts to fight sex trafficking in Texas. As the chairman of the Texas Human Trafficking Prevention Task Force, Attorney General Abbott has worked closely with legislators, law enforcement authorities and nonprofit organizations to combat human trafficking across the State. (Jack Dennis, “Texas Leader Greg Abbott Honored For Combatting Human Trafficking Against Women,” Examiner.Com, 4/18/13)
In 2011, The Texas Human Trafficking Prevention Task Force, Chaired By Greg Abbott, Released Its Report Recommending New Ways To Combat Human Trafficking, Which Led To The Passage Of Senate Bill 24. “Increasing prevention efforts throughout the state is a priority. Addressing abuse and neglect when it first begins will prove cost-effective when compared to providing the social services required to help a human trafficking victim recover. Training is needed across the board for law enforcement, service providers and prosecutors – as well as non-traditional partners in the community. Several legislative recommendations are included in this report that, if enacted, will enhance the penalties for those convicted of trafficking and provide increased protections for victims.” (“The Texas Human Trafficking Prevention Task Force Report,” Office Of The Texas Attorney General, 1/11)
Senate Bill 24 Sought To Amend The Law Relating To Human Trafficking To Help Prosecute Human Trafficking And Provide Victim Protections. “S.B. 24 seeks to enact legislative changes included in the task force report, such as creating separate definitions for sex trafficking and labor trafficking. S.B. 24 amends current law relating to the prosecution, punishment, and certain criminal and civil consequences of offenses involving or related to the trafficking of persons and to certain protections for victims of those offenses.” (Senate Bill 24, Texas Senate, Accessed On 6/23/14) Abbott Has Proposed A Number Of New Initiatives Designed To Cut The Flow Of Human Trafficking:
Abbott Proposes Bringing “Service Providers Together To Provide Comprehensive, Wrap-Around Care To Child Sex Trafficking Victims In Texas” Supported By General Revenue Funding. “To help children suffering from this horrific emotional and physical trauma, the state should bring service providers together to provide comprehensive, wrap-around care to child sex trafficking victims in Texas, supported by up to $2 million in annual General Revenue funding.” (“Greg Abbott’s Securing Texans Plan,” Texans For Greg Abbott, Accessed 6/30/14)
Abbott Calls For Increasing “The Penalty For Kidnapping A Child From A Third Degree Felony To A First Degree Felony.” “Increase the penalty for kidnapping a child from a Third Degree Felony to a First Degree Felony to match the seriousness of the crime and to deter those who intend to do harm to any child.” (“Greg Abbott’s Securing Texans Plan,” Texans For Greg Abbott, Accessed 6/30/14)
Abbott Wants To Ensure Greater Coordination Between Border Counties And The Federal Government As Well As “Increasing Funds For The Border Prosecution Unit To Assist Border County DAs.” “One of the most effective crime-fighting tools to confront the threat from international cartels across the border and from transnational gangs in our communities is closer collaboration and coordination between law enforcement agencies, all border states and the federal government through data sharing; another necessary tool is increasing funds for the Border Prosecution Unit to assist border county DAs overburdened and strained by the well-funded legal teams defending these criminal enterprises.” (“Greg Abbott’s Securing Texans Plan,” Texans For Greg Abbott, Accessed 6/30/14)