Digital Summit Survey Have you found the Digital Summit helpful/informative?* Yes No Please rate how useful the Summit has been for you.* 1 2 3 4 5 1-Least useful; 5- Most usefulWould you recommend a 2022 Abbott Digital Summit to friends, family, or colleagues?* Yes No Please provide any additional comments on the Summit.Generally speaking, do you consider yourself to be conservative, moderate, or liberal on most issues?* Very Conservative Somewhat Conservative Moderate Somewhat Liberal Very Liberal Which one of the following issues do you believe is the most important issue facing Texas today?* Jobs and the state economy Second Amendment rights Illegal immigration and border security Crime and drugs Election integrity Taxes Moral values Education Healthcare Coronavirus Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of President Donald Trump?* Strongly favorable Somewhat favorable Somewhat unfavorable Strongly unfavorable No opinion Where do you go online to consume political news?*How many years have you lived in Texas?*How Competitive do you think the race for representative in your area will be during the 2022 General Election?* Very competitive Somewhat competitive Not very competitive Not sure Cell Phone (We will not add your number to any list you are not already a part of!) We will share the survey results with you soon!* Δ