Today at Facebook’s Austin office, Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott held a Q&A session online with Texans about his plans to lead our great state.
Securing Texans
“I will do what the federal government has failed to do. I have a detailed plan to address border concerns. It adds more boots on the ground, more air patrol, more boats in the water, and a comprehensive collaboration by law enforcement at every level. To learn more go to”
“I have a plan to secure the border and keep Texans safe. Go to to learn more.”
“Texas is #1 in country in so many ways – like jobs, energy and exports. The time has come for Texas to be #1 in Education. I will lead us in that direction.”
“We must stop forcing teachers to teach to so many standardized tests and allow them to truly educate children. We must keep Common Core out of Texas because our teachers, parents & schools know best how to educate our children.”
“I will stop Common Core in Texas. Parents, teachers and schools know far better how to educate our children than do a bunch of unelected officials in Washington D.C.”
Second Amendment
“I have fought at the Supreme Court for 2nd Amendment rights and won. I will continue to advocate for ALL constitutional rights.”
“I will EXPAND your gun rights in Texas!”
“I’m in favor of open carry. Texas is one of only a few states that forbids it. As Governor I will bring open carry to Texas.”
“I fought against ObamaCare by filing a lawsuit against it on the day President Obama signed it into law. I could see then not only did it trample constitutional rights but also it would harm families and small businesses.”
Conservative Values
“As the husband of a Latina for 32 years I know the genuine connection between the Hispanic community and Republican values. We will talk about inclusiveness and how we are all one family–We are TEXANS.”
“I will keep Texas Red by keeping taxes low, regulations smart and by enforcing the constitution. The Obama/Big Government Agenda will never be allowed in Texas with me as Governor.”
“I will keep the Texas economic miracle going by keeping taxes low, regulations reasonable, keep the right to work laws that prevent union abuses.”
“I will attract more jobs, improve our schools, build more roads, make our communities safer.”
“I reach out to the Hispanic community each morning when I hug my wife. My wife will be the first Latina First Lady in Texas. Additionally, I am taking my campaign to heavily hispanic populated areas explaining how I will grow jobs, improve schools and keep communities safe.”
Voter Fraud
“I have fought against Voter Fraud by prosecuting this crime across Texas. I am also working to ensure that Voter ID is used in Texas to prevent cheating & illegal voting at the ballot box.”
Our Veterans
“Veterans had our backs in fighting for freedom; as Governor I will have their back when they return home. My brother is a veteran–serving for 20 years in the Navy. We will have a plan to hire more of our returning veterans and help them with the challenges they face when returning from service.”
“I have a plan to add more than $4 billion a year to build more roads without raising taxes, tolls or fees. Go to”
Get Involved
How can a regular guy like me help your campaign? After hearing Wendy Davis over and over I have become more and more inspired to get the right man in office. But bear in mind my time is limited but I want to help.
“Email [email protected]. We’d appreciate your help. This will be a campaign by and for Texans.”
Greg, on a scale of 1-10, how much more awesome will Texas be with you as Governor. 10? 11? maybe even 12? I wasn’t a math major, but I’m pretty sure we can extend the awesome scale to 12 with you.
“I’m thinking 100. Let’s make it happen. Go to to help me get there.”