AUSTIN – First Lady Cecilia Abbott today visited Temple and Pearsall for the Texas Historical Commission Texas Main Street Program’s 2018 First Lady’s Tour. The annual event welcomed the two Texas towns as the Texas Main Street Program’s newest members. Since 1981, every Texas First Lady has participated in the tour honoring new communities designated as official Texas Main Street cities.
“I am pleased to join local leaders, state officials, businesses, and community members in welcoming Temple and Pearsall as 2018 Texas Main Street communities,” the First Lady said. “The Main Street Program helps our cherished local communities offer a true authentic Texas experience. From our vibrant culture and our signature kindness, to our captivating history, there is no better way to enjoy the magnificence of the Lone Star State.”
During both visits, Mrs. Abbott was joined by state and local officials, local business owners and volunteers, and dozens of local residents eager to see the Main Street vision for their respective towns. The First Lady addressed event attendees and unveiled architectural renderings of the Main Street plans for each of the town’s downtown areas, then attended a public reception.
The Texas Historical Commission’s Texas Main Street Program is a revitalization program for historic downtown and neighborhood commercial districts. Today, there are 89 official Texas Main Street programs. The programs are in communities of all sizes, ranging from less than 2,000 to more than 300,000 in population, and in all areas of Texas. Over time, Texas Main Street communities have created more than $5.2 billion in economic reinvestment, nearly 39,000 local jobs, and 9,500 small businesses in their Main Street districts.
Main Street’s success is also rooted in the dedication of community partners and volunteers. In the past 18 years, Main Street volunteers have contributed more than 1.6 million hours to the program in Texas. Last year alone, over 100,000 volunteer hours were reported. These reinvestments show that significant economic development impact can be realized through historic preservation.
View more information on the Texas Main Street Program.