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AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Michelle Bubela and reappointed Jerry Adelman and Terri Parker to the Lavaca-Navidad River Authority for terms set to expire on May 1, 2023. The authority oversees the storage, preservation and distribution of stream and river water in Jackson County.

Michelle Bubela of Edna is a realtor with Bubela & Associates, Inc. and designer and owner of Michelle’s Flooring and Design. She is a member of the Coastal Bend Association of Realtors, Victoria Association of Realtors, Association of Builders and Contractors, and Victoria Builders Association. In addition, she is the executive director and secretary of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture and member of Jackson County Economic Development Corporation. Bubela attended Texas State University.

Jerry Adelman of Palacios is retired and is a community volunteer. He is past president and board member of the Jackson County Hospital District and a member of the American Radio Relay League, Sheriffs Association of Texas, and the American Legion. In addition, he is a volunteer with the Palacios Food Pantry and a member and Elder chair of the Carancahua Chapel. He served as a U.S. Army signal officer during the Vietnam War and received an honorable discharge in 1970. Adelman received a Bachelor of Science in administration from Panhandle State University in Goodwell, Oklahoma.

Terri Parker of Ganado is the general manager for La Ward Telephone Exchange, Inc. She is a member of the Jackson County 100 Club, former treasurer of the Ganado Little League, and former board member of the Jackson County Fair Association. Parker attended Durham Nixon Clay Business College in Victoria, Texas.