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AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott has appointed State Representative Paul Workman to the Southwestern States Water Commission for a term set to expire on February 1, 2021. The Commission works with neighboring states identifying and developing sources and methods of augmenting water supplies on a regional basis after existing water supplies are fully committed.

Representative Paul Workman of Austin is a forty year construction professional, owning his own construction company for most of that time. He began serving the constituents of House District 47 in January 2011. He serves on the House Committees on Natural Resources and Business & Industry. In addition, he serves by appointment on the Energy Council, which helps facilitate the development of national energy policy matters among the Southwestern states. He has been an active Rotarian since 1976, board member of Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse and past chairman of the Texas Building Branch of the Associated General Contractors. Workman received his Bachelor of Science in building construction from Texas A&M University.