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AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott yesterday called on Texans to vote in the Primary Runoff Election for Alex Kamkar for House District 29 and Helen Kerwin for House District 58 at Get Out The Vote events in Pearland and Glen Rose, respectively. The Governor reminded Texans that early voting started Monday and ends today, Friday, May 24.

Beginning the day in Pearland, Governor Abbott championed Alex Kamkar as the leader Texans in House District 29 need representing their values in Austin. The Governor pointed to his commitment to securing the border, lowering property taxes for all Texans, and empowering parents.

“Alex Kamkar is a conservative fighter who will work with me in Austin to protect our shared Texas values of freedom and opportunity,” said Governor Abbott. “I need each of you to go to the polls and vote for Alex as your next State Representative to ensure we can create a bigger, better Texas for all.”

The Governor then traveled to Glen Rose to stump for Helen Kerwin. Governor Abbott highlighted Kerwin’s dedication to conservative values and willingness to fight for every parent’s right to choose the best education pathway for their child.

“This election is about safeguarding the future of Texas, not just for you, but for your children, your grandchildren, and generations to come,” said Governor Abbott. “We need leaders like Helen Kerwin who will fight for a secure border and every parent’s ability to choose the best school for their child in the Texas House. I urge each of you to support Helen Kerwin as your next State Representative, and together, we will get school choice passed once and for all.”

Early voting started Monday and goes through today, Friday, May 24. Find your early voting location here.

Read the Governor’s endorsement statement for Alex Kamkar and Helen Kerwin.