AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Jay Dyer, Christian Alvarado, and Mike Bell to the Department of Information Resources (DIR) for terms set to expire on February 1, 2019, February 1, 2021, and February 1, 2023, respectively. Additionally, the governor named Ben Gatzke presiding officer of the board. DIR coordinates, monitors, and directs information resources management within state government.
Jay Dyer of Austin is deputy to the president for government relations at The University of Texas at Austin. He previously served as the legislative director for the Office of the Governor and as deputy attorney general for intergovernmental relations for the Office of the Attorney General. Dyer received a Bachelor of Arts from The University of Texas at Austin and a Juris Doctor degree from The University of Texas School of Law.
Christian Alvarado of Austin is co-founder and partner of CBTX Capital, LLC. He previously served as chief of staff to Chairman Barry Smitherman at the Railroad Commission of Texas and as a corporate attorney at Jackson Walker, LLP. He is a member of the State Bar of Texas and the Self Storage Association. He is a volunteer for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, board president for Austin Angels, and a member of the Dell Children’s Trust. Additionally, he is a former member of the One Call Board of Texas. Alvarado received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of North Texas and a Juris Doctor degree from The University of Texas School of Law.
Mike Bell of Spring is the chief technology officer for the Houston Police Department. He previously served as the chief information officer for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. He is a member of ISACA, ISC², College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME), and the Project Management Institution (PMI). Additionally, he is former president of the Correction Technology Association and former committee chair for the American Corrections Association. Bell received a Bachelor of Science from Sam Houston State University and a Master of Science from Texas A&M University, and is currently pursuing a Doctor of Business Administration from Walden University.
Ben Gatzke of Fort Worth is president and CEO of BorrowWorks. He is a member of the Jewel Charity and board member of the Baylor University School of Music Board. Gatzke received a Bachelor of Music, Master of Business Administration, and a Master of Science in information systems from Baylor University.