If I Were Governor
By Greg Abbott
Texas CEO Magazine
The Texas economic model has led to the best business and job growth in America. I have a plan to make it even better.
There are two competing economic models in the United States today, and their comparative success can be measured by a 14-foot moving truck. The cost for a one-way rental from Detroit to Austin is almost twice that of the opposite route from Austin to Detroit.
Why? Because higher relative demand for a limited commodity, in this case moving trucks, drives higher market prices.
In other words, more people are heading to Texas.
We need only look to Detroit, to California, to the nation’s capital to see that Big Government economic policies cannot succeed.
Detroit was once described in terms that sound like Texas cities today: “A City on the Move.” It was one of the fastest growing and most prosperous cities in America. The center of industry and innovation, Detroit attracted investments and workers from around the country. But after decades of Big Government policies and increased spending, businesses fled, and Detroit hit a downward spiral that led to bankruptcy.
In contrast, Texas is booming. Jobs are growing here – in our big cities and small towns. In fact, half of Forbes top ten cities for future job growth are in Texas, including Austin, McAllen, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio.
The Texas model is proof that limited government encourages unlimited opportunity for all.
Texas is the best state for doing business as rated by CEOs around the nation for the tenth year in a row.
Texas is No. 1 in job creation. Businesses here created over 1.9 million jobs in the last 10 years. That’s more than California, New York and Florida combined. And that job growth crosses multiple industry sectors and all pay levels, with the most growth in the two top wage quartiles.
Texas is also No. 1 in oil and natural gas production, continuing a nearly five-year growth trend fueled by advances in technology.
And, Texas is No. 1 in exports for the 12th year in a row.
Less government, low taxes, smarter regulations and right-to-work laws – not government mandates – these are the pro-growth economic policies that help free enterprise flourish and attract more major employers to Texas every day from states that over-tax and over-regulate.
Read more at texasceomagazine.com…