Today is a day of remembrance.
We remember the brave men and women who have put themselves in harm’s way to defend the cause of liberty; who have faced evil and oppression head-on, fighting threats to democracy and freedom throughout our nation’s history.
They have made the ultimate sacrifice so that we may live in a country that is free – free to enjoy the liberty that we too often take for granted. Our brave men and women in uniform have laid down their lives so that we can live and raise our families with a sense of peace and security.
Without their courage, character and honor, our world would be a very different place. And there is no way for us to adequately express our gratitude for the sacrifices our heroes, and their families, have made.
We must honor their memory. And that’s why today is so important.
This Memorial Day, I ask all Texans to join me to commemorate and pray for the men and women to whom we owe our freedoms, and to thank the families of the fallen; for their sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers were the greatest among us.
Those who have selflessly answered the call of service have had an enduring impact on this great nation that reverberates throughout the world, and we honor them today and every day.
Greg Abbott