“Can they DO that?!”
That’s what we asked ourselves when the Obama Administration tried to infringe upon the religious liberties of American citizens in the name of ObamaCare.
Thankfully, this week the U.S. Supreme Court agreed that the federal government overstepped its bounds… again. (Are you really that surprised?)
But we shouldn’t have to rely on the courts to protect the freedom of religion guaranteed to us in the Constitution. Contribute today to help Greg Abbott continue to defend our values.
We need a fighter to protect Texans from further federal overreach. Whether it’s suing the feds to stop ObamaCare, the EPA’s job-killing policies or illegal land-grab attempts by the BLM, Greg Abbott has a record of protecting our rights – he has won 11 cases in front of the U.S. Supreme Court as Attorney General.
ObamaCare is one of the largest expansions of government in U.S. history – and it has cost us dearly. This week’s Supreme Court decision is a step forward, but we must continue to fight this law.
Greg Abbott is committed keeping ObamaCare out of Texas. Will you make a contribution to support him?
–Texans for Greg Abbott