Becoming a Volunteer Deputy Registrar (VDR) in Williamson is quick and easy. Follow this shortlist of steps and then reach out to Texans for Greg Abbott to find out how to locate unregistered voters who would likely vote Republican.
All Texans who want to register new voters must be certified by their county. To qualify as a Deputy Voter Registrar you must be:
- 18 years of age
- Never convicted of a felony
Register for a class by contacting our office 512-943-1630 or email [email protected] to reserve a seat. Classes are approximately 30 minutes. Due to the length of training, anyone arriving more than five minutes late may be asked to reschedule.
Training classes are offered the first, second and third Tuesday of each month at 2:00 pm and the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm. No classes will be offered during Early Voting or on Election Day.
All classes are conducted at our offices in Georgetown located at 301 SE Inner Loop, Ste. 104 in Georgetown.
For more information please review the Volunteer Deputy Registrar Handbook or go the Williamson County Elections Office website. Once you have been deputized, email Texans for Greg Abbott at, [email protected], to find out how to register conservatives in your area. Thank you for your commitment!