“Abbott would make a better governor than Democrat Wendy Davis” … “Conducted himself with dignity”
Tyler Morning Telegraph: “Greg Abbott Ready To Be Our Governor”
- “Abbott has earned our endorsement for governor. He has done well in the attorney general’s office, and that bodes well for broader service. He has conducted himself with dignity. … But for Texas, Abbott and his conservative principles and proposals are best.”
Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: “Attorney General Greg Abbott Is The Best Gubernatorial Candidate”
- “The Texas gubernatorial race is the most interesting and competitive one in many years. After comparing the candidates, Republican Greg Abbott would make a better governor than Democrat Wendy Davis. … Abbott has a much different style than current Texas Gov. Rick Perry — and this is not a bad thing — but we think he would continue Perry’s lead of promoting economic growth in the state. As attorney general, he has aggressively opposed federal overreach in Texas, and his leadership would no doubt continue in that area as governor.”
Beaumont Enterprise: “Enterprise Endorsements Listed For Nov. 4 Elections”
- “The Beaumont Enterprise endorses the following candidates and positions in the Nov. 4 election. The two-week early voting period starts Monday. We will run individual editorials on these races over that span. … Governor – Greg Abbott (R)”