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“Texas’ economic growth is the envy of the nation. We believe Abbott is the candidate most capable of inspiring business confidence to build on that track record.”

“We Recommend Greg Abbott For Texas Governor”
Dallas Morning News
October 16, 2014
Click Here To Read Full Editorial

Texas’ two leading gubernatorial candidates have earned our respect despite their flaws. Republican Greg Abbott is the model of perseverance for fighting back in a wheelchair from a spine-crushing 1984 accident to become attorney general. Democratic state Sen. Wendy Davis demonstrated exceptional courage with her 2013 Senate filibuster to halt legislation aimed at restricting abortion rights.

These two uphold Texas’ fighting spirit. When this newspaper weighs all the issues, however, Abbott tips the balance as the candidate most capable of sustaining the state’s economic success and holding in check growing extremism in the state GOP.


Both candidates list public education as the state’s most pressing challenge. Davis sets a lofty goal of universal, all-day, state-funded access to prekindergarten; Abbott seeks a more realistic, phased expansion of voluntary pre-K enrollment focused on families at or near poverty. He wants to bring all students to grade-level math and reading skills by the third grade. Davis has no price tag for her education package; Abbott says his would cost $775.5 million. Such specifics are the hallmark of an organized leader.

Texas’ economic growth is the envy of the nation. We believe Abbott is the candidate most capable of inspiring business confidence to build on that track record.


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