“Ultimately, the race must hinge on leadership.” – Fort Worth Star-Telegram
For Governor, Abbott Holds Promise
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
October 18, 2014
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Ultimately, the race must hinge on leadership. The candidate best able to outline and articulate an inclusive vision for all Texans and then lead the state in that direction deserves to be governor. The Star-Telegram Editorial Board believes that candidate is Greg Abbott.
Despite his close association with Gov. Rick Perry, it’s important to note that Abbott would be a departure.
While he has vehemently opposed perceived and real efforts by the federal government to constrain the state, filing more than a dozen lawsuits as attorney general, he has also demonstrated an ability to be a voice of reason and moderation. If elected, he would need to employ such a measured approach in dealing with the feds as well as legislators — on both sides of the aisle — in Austin.
Abbott is often associated with Republican “red meat” issues, but a careful look at his website reveals a series of thoughtful and thorough policy prescriptions for education, transportation and healthcare, among other topics. In fact, his proposals appear far more robust than those of his challenger.
On education, Abbott has outlined a comprehensive plan to improve reading and math skills during the critical early years (pre-K through third grade), and would increase accountability among existing pre-K programs to ensure they are effective at closing the achievement gap. His plan would cost $775.5 million, and the targeted approach holds promise.
Both candidates fault the federal government for failing to secure the border and pass immigration reform. But Abbott plans to significantly beef-up security. That includes hiring 500 additional DPS officers, 20 new Texas Rangers and more tools and technologies to assist law enforcement.
In spite of his tough rhetoric on illegal immigration, Abbott has worked to build support in the Hispanic community, seeking common ground on social and economic issues.
And it is on the economy where the case for Abbott is strongest. Texas has enjoyed significant growth and prosperity, and Abbott, as a small-government conservative, is best positioned to inspire confidence in the business community.