Greg Abbott’s Working Texans plan will limit government, reduce spending, and create jobs to allow for a more entrepreneurial environment.
Job growth in Texas continues to grow exponentially as the state stands by conservative economic principles of low taxes and limited regulations.
Texas has produced hundreds of thousands of well-paying jobs across most industries since 2000, making Texas the top destination for domestic migrants since 2006.
–Washington Post
The booming oil and gas industry in Texas is projected to expand, bringing new job opportunities with it, especially in the manufacturing sector.
Texas has been the national epicenter for job creation for more than a decade, and today’s numbers indicate we’re not slowing down anytime soon. While Washington is unable to significantly move the needle on unemployment, in Texas we free job creators to pursue success, which means more good-paying jobs for more Texans.
—San Antonio Business Journal
Because of conservative leaders like Greg Abbott, Texas’ unemployment rate—now 5.7%, down from 6% in December—remains lower than at the national level.
To get government off the backs of workers and job creators, and to unleash the power of entrepreneurs and innovators, government must be limited. When government is limited, freedom is expanded. When freedom is expanded, free enterprise flourished and individuals prosper. I will be Governor of a state where freedom, free enterprise and individual prosperity are staples of society.
–Greg Abbott