Yesterday, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services met with Texans to sell ObamaCare.
Greg Abbott has known from the very beginning that ObamaCare was a bad idea and filed a lawsuit against it on the day it was signed into law.
General Abbott asked Facebook fans to tell their stories about how this unworkable healthcare overhaul would affect their families and businesses. Here are some of the responses:
- Had to cut my insurance because the cost has risen so high. –Susan F.
- Companies I know in Deep South Texas are all ready shutting down some of their stores or reducing hours and employees! –Tom S.
- We’ve already had to cut costs on our normal monthly expenses to make up from our smaller paychecks due to increased insurance costs. –Bryce C.
- I sell and counsel about employee benefits. Many of my clients have seen more than 30% increases. Several clients are using the part-timer loophole. –Jennifer E.
- Premiums have gone up. Coverage has gone down. Copay is up. Prescriptions up. –Harriett S.
- As a small business owner our insurance company is predicting our rates to triple so we won’t be hiring as soon as we wanted to. –Jacqueline T.
- I’m a nurse! ObamaCare is going to force us to take more time with all the red tape, which in turn takes time away from the patients. –April S.
- My clients are doctors. Some of these doctors would rather retire than deal with ObamaCare. Fewer clients means less everything. –William H.
- I am a small business owner and I was informed that my insurance will no longer exist. To make matters worse, the replacement policy will be 50% higher than what I have now, which I can barely afford. –Scott L.
- Our health insurance will increase by $300 per month effective next year. Nice fat pay cut while we are already struggling with a single income! –Leslie M.
These responses represent a small sample of the many stories we’re hearing from Texans about how they will be negatively impacted by ObamaCare.
ObamaCare and an overreaching federal government are clearly hurting Texas families and small businesses. Greg Abbott will continue to work day in and day out to fight back against this mandate.