This Op-Ed originally appeared in the Amarillo Globe-News on October 24, 2015.
By Governor Greg Abbott
Hunting and fishing are family traditions in Texas.
If you want to preserve that legacy to pass on to your children and grandchildren, I encourage you to vote early in the 2015 election.
Vote for Proposition 6 on the statewide constitutional amendment ballot to protect your rights as a Texan to hunt and fish.
Texans have long lived off the bounty of the land, and we know how to conserve our natural resources for future generations. It’s so incredibly important that we protect our connection with the land. We need to act now so no special-interest group can come in and try to strip away your rights.
Hunting and fishing were a big part of life in East Texas where I grew up. The calendar seemed to revolve around the first day of dove hunting. But my first real connection with the land was as a Boy Scout, in Troop 201, in Longview. The lessons I learned then about appreciating the blessings of the land I now share with my daughter.
As a father, one of my favorite memories is the first time I took Audrey hunting for white tail. We were out there in the field at sunset, watching and waiting for the right opportunity. There it was — the perfect buck, and Audrey landed it in one shot.
The memory is about more than just the deer and her sure shot. It’s really about the time we spent together. I want that opportunity preserved for every Texas family.
You have the opportunity to make your voice heard, and I urge you to vote for Proposition 6 to protect your right to hunt and fish.
Early voting runs through October 30. Election Day is Nov. 3. Remember to bring your voter registration, photo I.D. and a friend to the polls.
For more information on the election and all of the proposed amendments, including Proposition 1 to cut your property taxes and Proposition 7 to improve our roads without adding fees, toll, taxes or debt, visit