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This Op-ED originally appeared in The McAllen Monitor on July 19, 2017
Because we cannot hear their cries, it is perhaps our most sacred calling to protect the most vulnerable among us — the unborn. And I celebrate all that we have accomplished together to promote a culture of life in Texas. There’s now an entire generation of young women who recognize that a sonogram is their baby’s first picture.Thanks to my partners in the Legislature, Texas is again leading the way in protecting innocent life, and improving health and safety standards for women.In the wake of the videos exposing horrific and cruel practices by Planned Parenthood, I called for action.At the end of the 85th Texas regular legislative session, I was proud last month to sign bills finally banning partial birth abortions and dismemberment abortions, prohibiting the sale or donation of baby body parts, and requiring the burial or cremation of babies lost to abortion — the basic dignity that human life demands.

I am grateful to Cardinal Daniel DiNardo and the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops for offering to bury fetal remains at no cost.

But there is more we can do. There is more we must do.

During the special session, which began on Wednesday, I am directing the Legislature to enact more critical reforms to further protect Texas values and Texas lives.

Not one more penny of local and state taxpayer funding should go to abortion providers and their affiliates.

No Texan should be forced to pay for insurance that covers elective abortions.

To protect the health and safety of women, the state must ensure it is receiving accurate information when it comes to reporting complications that result from an abortion.

And finally, we must find solutions to end the compounded tragedy of pregnancy-related deaths of women. That is why the maternal mortality task force must be renewed with urgency.

Protecting the unborn and women in crisis will always be a priority for me as your governor. Because for me, it’s personal.

Of all the titles I have held, the title that matters most to me is dad. Our lives were blessed and forever changed the moment Cecilia and I held our daughter on the day she was born. Each day, we thank God for the precious gift of Audrey’s life — and for the woman who was strong enough to give Audrey a new life with our family.

That’s why I’m proud that in addition to the other pro-life victories in the regular legislative session, funding was renewed for the Alternatives to Abortion program that helps to support crisis pregnancy centers, maternity homes and adoption agencies.

But we are still called to do more.

In this upcoming special session, I applaud all of the men and women leading the charge for life in the Texas Legislature.

And I ask for your continuing support of their efforts.