“Phenomenal” … “Powerful” … “Incredible Testament”
Barack Obama Campaign Ad Maker, Mark Putnam: “This is a phenomenal ad.” (Twitter, 10/1/18)
WFAA’s Marie Saavedra: “Provides a surprising message of hope.”
“Tonight, a candidate raising the stakes in the race for Governor. Governor Greg Abbott just released a new campaign ad. It features survivors from the Sutherland Springs church shooting and in a twist, provides a surprising message of hope.” (WFAA, 10/1/18)
Texas Tribune’s Patrick Svitek: “The mother goes on to praise Abbott’s compassion in responding to the massacre.”
“The mother goes on to praise Abbott’s compassion in responding to the massacre, and the ad ends with Abbott and her son, now using a wheelchair, rolling forward together in front of American and Texas flags.” (Texas Tribune, 10/1/18)
San Antonio Express-News’ Catherine Marfin: “In the ad, Julie Workman praises Abbott’s kindness toward her family. She says Abbott gave her family hope and showed her that ‘her son’s future could be anything that he wanted it to be.’”
(San Antonio Express-News, 10/2/18)
KXAN’s Phil Prazan: “Wow.”
“Wow. @GregAbbott_TX campaign creates a 2-minute TV ad called “Hope” and accompanying website (https://go.gregabbott.com/e/297802/2018-10-03/3wjhb/527870195). It’s about a Sutherland Springs shooting victim and Gov. Abbott bonding over life in a wheelchair. @KXAN_News” (Twitter, 10/1/18)
WOAI: “A La Vernia family is finding solace in the Governor of Texas’ own personal journey with a disability.”
“A La Vernia family is finding solace in the Governor of Texas’ own personal journey with a disability. Governor Greg Abbott and one mom spoke with Fox San Antonio about the message they hope all Texans can glean from it.” (WOAI, 10/1/18)
Washington Free Beacon’s Stephen Gutowski: “Gov. Abbott … when he came to visit her son in the hospital and how it gave her hope that he could one day recover and accomplish anything he wanted.”
Workman then described meeting Gov. Abbott, who is paralyzed from the waist down, when he came to visit her son in the hospital and how it gave her hope that he could one day recover and accomplish anything he wanted. (Washington Free Beacon, 10/1/18)
State Senator and Congressional Candidate Van Taylor: “Powerful message by our great Governor.”
“Powerful message by our great Governor @GregAbbott_TX: ‘Our lives aren’t defined by our challenges. We get to define our lives by how we respond to those challenges.’ (Twitter, 10/1/18)
State Representative Jeff Leach: “Wow! An incredible testament of hope and encouragement.”
“Wow! An incredible testament of hope and encouragement. Thank you @GregAbbott_TX for sharing Julie’s story.” (Twitter, 10/1/18)