“[Abbott] Kept His Composure” . . . “Abbott Fired Back” . . . “Questioned Davis’ Ethics”
The Associated Press’ Paul Weber: “Davis Was Pressed Twice About Putting A Price Tag On Her Plan For Education . . . She Wouldn’t Give A Number.” “It came after Davis was pressed twice about putting a price tag on her plan for education, which remains the biggest policy issue in the race. She wouldn’t give a number, but said that not increasing state spending would only push costs down to local schools.” (The Associated Press, 9/30/14)
KERA’s Bill Zeeble: “Abbott Unexpectedly Turned The Tables. He Said Davis, While On Fort Worth’s City Council, Tapped Texas Enterprise Money To Attract A Cabela’s Retail Business” “That’s when Abbott unexpectedly turned the tables. He said Davis, while on Fort Worth’s city council, tapped Texas Enterprise money to attract a Cabela’s retail business, whose application now cannot be found. Then he said there was more she was hiding.” (KERA, 10/1/14)
Texas Tribune’s Jay Root And Bobby Blanchard: “Abbott . . . , Took A Hard Swing At Democratic Sen. Wendy Davis Over Her Ethics As A Lawmaker.” “Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott, who has mostly avoided direct confrontation with his opponent in the race for Texas governor, took a hard swing at Democratic Sen. Wendy Davis over her ethics as a lawmaker in a televised debate Tuesday night.” (Texas Tribune, 9/30/14)
Fort Worth Star-Telegram’s Bud Kennedy: “[Abbott] Kept His Composure.” “He [Abbott] kept his composure. He was already ahead in this race. He did what he had to do. He Hung in there and really didn’t make any kind of big mistakes.” (KAMC, 9/30/14)
Dallas Morning News’ Wayne Slater: “Davis Declined, Even When Pressed, To Say How Much More The State Should Provide In Per-Pupil Funding.” (Dallas Morning News, 9/30/14)
The Houston Chronicle’s Mike Ward: “Abbott Demanded That Davis Publicly Disclose How Much She Made From The Deal. She Did Not Say…” (The Houston Chronicle, 9/30/14)
Political Commentator And Professor Carolyn Barta: “Wendy Davis Chuckles, Raises Eyebrows While Abbott Talking. Does She Not Remember Al Gore’s Sighing?” (Carolyn Barta, Twitter.com, 9/30/14)
KPRC: “Abbott Bearing Down On Davis’s Pledge To Use Executive Action As Governor To Implement The Affordable Care Act In Texas.” “The candidates mixed it up when it came time to question each other. Abbott bearing down on Davis’s pledge to use executive action as governor to implement the affordable care act in Texas.” (KPRC, 9/30/14)
Fort Worth Star-Telegram’s Anna M. Tinsley: ““Abbott Fired Back With An Accusation Of His Own: That Davis . . . Was A Beneficiary Of That Enterprise Fund.” “Abbott fired back with an accusation of his own: that Davis, during her days on the Fort Worth City Council, was a beneficiary of that enterprise fund.” (Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 9/30/14)
Bloomberg: “Abbott… Questioned Davis’s Ethics In Working For A Title Firm That Closed Deals For A Company That Benefited From The Fund.” “Republican Abbott, 56, the state’s top law enforcement officer since 2002, questioned Davis’s ethics in working for a title firm that closed deals for a company that benefited from the fund.” (Bloomberg, 10/1/14)
WOAI: “Abbott Shot Back, Saying One Of The Recipients Of TEF Money Was A Cabelas In Ft. Worth, And That Happened When Davis Was On The Ft. Worth City Council.” (WOAI, 10/1/14)
Dallas Business Journal’s Bill Hethcock: “Abbott Questioned Whether Davis Had Profited From At Least One Texas Enterprise Fund Deal.” “Abbott questioned whether Davis had profited from at least one Texas Enterprise Fund deal involving outdoor retailer Cabela’s opening of a store in Fort Worth. Davis’ title company handled the deal for Cabela’s while she was a Fort Worth city council member.” (Dallas Business Journal, 10/1/14)