SAN ANTONIO – Today, more than 50 Sheriffs from across the Lone Star State announced their endorsement of Governor Greg Abbott at a press conference in San Antonio. Governor Abbott recognized the brave men and women who serve as law enforcement officers.
“To serve as a law enforcement officer is to answer a higher calling. It means putting yourself between danger and the people you serve. It requires true courage, dedication and a strong desire to protect those in need. We must never take our law enforcement officers for granted,” Governor Abbott said.
Several Sheriffs spoke at the press conference, including Bill Waybourn of Tarrant County. Sheriff Waybourn noted, “When the Biden Administration aborted their constitutional duties and forsook their oath, Governor Abbott immediately stepped into the gap and took up the heavy yoke of securing our border.”
Also present was former Sheriff AJ Louderback. He said, “Governor Abbott has been an outstanding partner. He has done more for border security than any other governor in the history of Texas.”
Ray Del Bosque, the Zapata County Sheriff and a Democrat, said, “Success always follows leaders who are well prepared. Governor Greg Abbott is that leader. With his strong leadership and stern character, he has kept his word and has helped us Texas Border Sheriffs to secure the Border.”
Marvin Ryals, President of the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas (CLEAT) and a Deputy Sheriff in El Paso, also spoke. Ryals said, “Governor Abbott has taken direct action along our southern border, curtailing human trafficking, and combatting the smuggling of deadly illegal drugs like fentanyl, which have poisoned the cities we serve. In an era where some politicians are trying to defund law enforcement, he backed the blue by signing laws that punish communities that make these reckless decisions.”
Several other Sheriffs offered why they are supporting Governor Abbott.
Goliad County Sheriff Roy Boyd said, “As Sheriff of Goliad County, I am proud to endorse Governor Abbott’s re-election due to his unwavering dedication to the safety and security of the citizens of Texas.”
Sheriff Scott Cass of Lamar County is supporting Governor Abbott because of his proven leadership. “Governor Abbott has been a strong leader for Texas and a true friend to law enforcement. He is standing in the gap to secure our border and push back against federal over-reach,” said Sheriff Cass.
Brian Hawthorne, the Chambers County Sheriff, said, “As a Texas Sheriff in the Greater Houston Area, I’m proud to give my support and vote to Governor Abbott due to his unwavering commitment to law enforcement.”
The Sheriff of Cass County, Larry Rowe, noted, “Governor Abbott has my endorsement because he puts Texas first. Always.”
Keith Schmidt, the Gonzales County Sheriff said, “I confidently recommend Greg Abbott for the position of Governor, for his tireless efforts dealing with the border crisis.”
“As a past President of a Sheriffs’ Association, I feel confident with Governor Abbott’s leadership, whether that’s at home in Sabine County or at the Capitol in Austin working for the concerns of Texas Sheriffs,” said Thomas Maddox, Sabine County Sheriff.
“My support goes to Governor Abbott because he understands the importance of coordination between state and local law enforcement when it comes to addressing the violent crime that has come into our communities as a result of our unsecured southern border,” said Sheriff Shannon Srubar of Wharton County.
The complete list of Sheriffs who have endorsed Governor Abbott’s campaign is below.
David Soward — Atascosa County
Alden Southmayd, III — Bee County
Don Jackson — Blanco County
Jeff Neal — Bowie County
- Bo Stallman, II — Brazoria County
Urbino “Benny” Martinez — Brooks County
Bobbie Vickery — Calhoun County
Tam Terry — Carson County
Larry Rowe — Cass County
Brian Hawthorne — Chambers County
Michael Pigg — Childress County
Carl Bowen – DeWitt County
Mark Johnson — Fannin County
Ricky S. Jones — Franklin County
Buddy Mills — Gillespie County
Donald Sowell — Grimes County
Roy Boyd — Goliad County
Keith Schmidt — Gonzales County
Arnold Zwicke — Guadalupe County
Pat Laughery — Hardeman County
Gary Cutler — Hays County
Rodney Watson — Hill County
Arvin West — Hudspeth County
Bryan Beavers — Kaufman County
Larry Leitha — Kerr County
Richard Kirkpatrick — Kleberg County
Scott C. Cass — Lamar County
Jesus Ramos — Lampasas County
Micah C. Harmon — Lavaca County
Larry Busby — Live Oak County
David Capps — Marion County
Brad Ingram — Martin County
Emmett Shelton — McMullen County
David Criner — Midland County
Clint Hammonds — Mills County
Rand Henderson — Montgomery County
Terry Bouchard — Ochiltree County
Brent Warden — Oldham County
Brian Thomas — Potter County
Pinky Gonzales — Refugio County
Carl L. Squyres — Runnels County
Johnwayne Valdez — Rusk County
Thomas N. Maddox — Sabine County
Robert Cartwright — San Augustine County
Oscar Rivera — San Patricio County
Trey Wilson — Scurry County
Larry Smith — Smith County
Bill Waybourn — Tarrant County
Doc Wigington — Throckmorton County
Justin Marr — Victoria County
Shannon Srubar — Wharton County
Raymundo “Ray” Del Bosque, Jr. — Zapata County
Eusevio Salinas — Zavala County