AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott’s request to declare Tom Green County a disaster area was granted today by the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) following severe storms that caused major damage across the county the weekend of June 23rd through 26th. The disaster declaration will allow the SBA to make long-term, low-interest-rate physical disaster home and business loans and economic injury disaster loans available to citizens and businesses affected by the storms. These loans will allow affected citizens who qualify in Tom Green and the contiguous counties of Coke, Concho, Irion, Menard, Reagan, Runnels, Schleicher and Sterling to begin to rebuild in the aftermath of this disaster.
“Texans have always come together to rebuild their lives after natural disasters and this time will be no different,” said Governor Abbott. “These disaster loans will go a long way in aiding those affected by the severe storms in Tom Green county, and I thank the Small Business Administration for their swift action in granting them.”
Starting Monday, July 31, SBA representatives will be at the Disaster Loan Outreach Center to answer questions about the disaster loan program, explain the application process and help each individual complete their application. The center will be open on the days and times indicated below. No appointment necessary.