Don’t forget!
It’s Tax-Free Weekend in Texas. Whether you need to stock up on school supplies or Fall clothes, now’s the time to do it.
But while we’re on the topic, let’s talk about your taxes. While Texas is the land of economic opportunity, there is still more that can be done so you can keep more of your hard-earned money.
Support Greg Abbott today with a contribution, so taxpayers like you and me are protected from the effects of wasteful and growing government.
Greg Abbott understands that an important part of keeping our taxes in-check for future generations is tackling our growing state debt – because debt today becomes taxes tomorrow.
And we’ve got to stop diverting taxes away from their intended purpose – money raised for roads should be spent on roads. Greg Abbott’s plan will do just that.
Greg Abbott’s “Working Texans” plan will create greater opportunity in Texas. Read it here.