AUSTIN – Texans For Greg Abbott today released new Spanish language TV and radio ads. The television ad, entitled “Futuro,” discusses Governor Abbott’s efforts to increase opportunities for every Texas child. “Suegra,” the new Spanish language radio ad, features Governor Abbott’s mother-in-law and godmother, Mary Lucy Phalen, discussing the governor’s faith and commitment to building a brighter future for all Texans.
Beginning today, both ads will air on television and radio stations across Texas.
To listen to “Suegra,” please click here.
“Futuro” Transcript:
NARRATOR: Oportunidad.
La oportunidad de triunfar en la escuela, en una carrera y en la vida.
The opportunity to succeed in school, in a career and in life.
El Gobernador Greg Abbott está asegurándose que cada niño tenga un futuro en Texas.
Governor Greg Abbott is making sure every child has a future in Texas.
Ha aumentado los fondos para la educación temprana para que los niños puedan tener éxito en la lectura y en las matemáticas.
He has increased funding for early education, so that children can have success in reading and math.
El Gobernador Abbott ha reformado el sistema disfuncional de cuidado temporal y protección de menores.
Governor Abbott has reformed the dysfunctional foster care and child protective system.
Brindándoles a estos niños un futuro mejor y más seguro.
Giving these kids a better and safer future.
Greg Abbott. Gobernador.
Greg Abbott Governor.
“Suegra” Transcript:
MARY LUCY PHALEN: Yo soy la suegra de Greg Abbott.
I’m Greg Abbott’s mother-in-law.
Hace cuatro años, les dije que les encantaría que Greg Abbott fuera su Gobernador.
Four years ago, I said that you would love having Greg Abbott as governor.
Porque mantiene su palabra y ama a Texas.
Because he keeps his word, and he loves Texas.
Cuando Greg se casó con mi hija Cecilia, se unió a nuestra iglesia. Yo fui su madrina.
When Greg married my daughter, Cecilia, he joined our church. I was his madrina, his Godmother.
Él es un hombre de profunda fe. Puede confiar en él.
He is a man of deep faith. You can trust him.
ANUNCIANTE: Y Greg Abbott está trabajando cada día para ganarse la confianza de todos los tejanos y brindarles un futuro mejor.
And Greg Abbott is working every day to earn the trust of all Texans, and provide them with a better future.
Por eso aumentó los fondos para la educación temprana.
That’s why he increased funding for early education.
Y reformó el sistema disfuncional de cuidado temporal y protección de menores.
And reformed a broken foster care and child protective system.
Brindando más oportunidades a los niños en todo Texas.
Bringing more opportunities to children all across Texas.
MARY LUCY PHALEN: Los Tejanos pueden estar orgullosos de Greg Abbott como gobernador.
Texas can be proud of Greg Abbott as governor.
GREG ABBOTT: Political ad paid for by Texans for Greg Abbott.
Ad Facts for “Futuro”
“He has increased funding for early education, so that children can have success in reading and math.”
- ““The General Appropriations Act, Article III, Rider 78, was passed by the 85th Texas Legislature, 2017, and signed by Governor Abbott on June 12, 2017. Rider 78 ensures that state-funded prekindergarten programs implement high-quality prekindergarten consistent with the High-Quality Prekindergarten program requirements in Texas Education Code (TEC) §29.167 – 29.171 and consistent with the provisions of TEC Chapters 41 and 42. These requirements include use of a curriculum aligned with the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines, increased prekindergarten teacher training and/or qualifications, implementation of student progress monitoring, program evaluation and development of a family engagement plan.” (Texas Education Agency)
“Governor Abbot has reformed the dysfunctional foster care and child protective system.”
- “Gov. Greg Abbott signed four bills Wednesday reforming the state’s beleaguered child welfare system, one of his priorities of the legislative session just ended.” (Austin American-Statesman, June 1, 2017)
Ad Facts for “Suegra”
“That’s why he increased funding for early education.”
- “The General Appropriations Act, Article III, Rider 78, was passed by the 85th Texas Legislature, 2017, and signed by Governor Abbott on June 12, 2017. Rider 78 ensures that state-funded prekindergarten programs implement high-quality prekindergarten consistent with the High-Quality Prekindergarten program requirements in Texas Education Code (TEC) §29.167 – 29.171 and consistent with the provisions of TEC Chapters 41 and 42. These requirements include use of a curriculum aligned with the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines, increased prekindergarten teacher training and/or qualifications, implementation of student progress monitoring, program evaluation and development of a family engagement plan.” (Texas Education Agency)
“And reformed a broken foster care and child protective system.”
- “Gov. Greg Abbott signed four bills Wednesday reforming the state’s beleaguered child welfare system, one of his priorities of the legislative session just ended.” (Austin American-Statesman, June 1, 2017)