Texas AG Greg Abbott enters race for governor
By YNN Staff
July 14, 2013
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott announced Sunday afternoon in San Antonio that he will run for governor.
The announcement comes on the 29th anniversary of a jogging accident that left Abbott paralyzed. He was hit by falling tree, causing severe spinal injuries. Abbott didn’t shy away from talking about his disability in his candidacy speech, saying that overcoming his physical challenges gave him the courage to fight bigger legal battles against the federal government.
Abbott has sued the federal government 27 times, including a successful suit allowing Texas to keep a monument to the Ten Commandments on the statehouse lawn.
“We face tough challenges and we rise above them,” Abbott said. “Texans may get knocked down, but we always get right back up and we always take on the tough fights.”
Abbott also highlighted his family, saying his relationship with his teenage daughter, Audrey, makes him strive to improve life for all Texas children. Audrey introduced her father on Sunday, calling him a role model and an inspiration.
He talked about the need for continuing education reform and to make college more affordable and accessible for young people. He also discussed cutting taxes, saying needed improvements to roads and schools can be paid for by “rightsizing” government.
He said he has lived all over the state of Texas and his family reflects the multi-cultural makeup of the state. His wife is of Irish and Hispanic descent.
Abbott has served as Attorney General since 2002 and previously sat on the state Supreme Court.
Abbott is already among the best-funded candidates for the seat, which has been held the past 13 years by Gov. Rick Perry. Abbott has raised $23 million for the campaign, and more financing is expected to roll in as he embarks on a five-day, 10-city tour following the announcement of his candidacy.
Perry hosted a press conference last week to say he would not seek reelection, leaving open the possibility he could stage another run for president in 2016.