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Texas Association of Business, BACPAC, Endorses Attorney General Abbott

OCTOBER 13, 2010

AUSTIN – Today the Texas Association of Business, BACPAC, endorsed Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott for his 2010 General Election campaign.

Bill Hammond, Texas Association of Business President/CEO said, “There is no better advocate for creating and retaining jobs in Texas. Attorney General Abbott is an aggressive defender of free enterprise, fighting tirelessly against the job killing initiatives from the Obama Administration in Washington, D.C. In Attorney General Abbott, Texans have a strong leader working for them, and that’s why it’s without hesitation that BACPAC, the political arm of the Texas Association of Business, offers its strong endorsement for his reelection.”

The Texas Association of Business is the leading organization in the state representing small businesses to large multi-national corporations. It works to improve the Texas business climate and helps to make Texas’ economy the strongest in the world.

“The strength of the Texas economy is reflective of the success of its pro-business environment. As Attorney General, I have fought against the over-regulation of the EPA and a drilling moratorium that puts thousands of Texas jobs as risk, and I will continue to protect Texans from government overreaches that threaten our jobs and economy. I am honored to have the support of the Texas Association of Business.”

Texas Attorney General Abbott enforces laws that foster economic development and is fighting against overly burdensome federal regulations that could potentially kill tens of thousands of Texas jobs.
