Texas proves time and time again that low taxes and less regulation pay off when it comes to job growth.
From September 2007 to November 2013, when the nation lost 1.8 million jobs, Texas gained 1.1 million.
–Washington Examiner
Texas’ population grew 5.2 percent between 2010 and 2013. The state’s “highly diversified” economy and fiscally conservative principles separate it from the rest of the country.
To get government off the backs of workers and job creators, and to unleash the power of entrepreneurs and innovators, government must be limited. When government is limited, freedom is expanded. When freedom is expanded, free enterprise flourishes and individuals prosper. I will be Governor of a state where freedom, free enterprise and individual prosperity are staples of society.
–Greg Abbott
Greg Abbott knows Texas’ dedication to economic freedom has made the Lone Star State a model for the rest of the nation. His “Working Texans” policy plan will constrain the size of government, stimulate the private sector to create more jobs and let Texans keep more of their money.
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