Once again, Texas has shown that conservative values and dedication to economic prosperity equates to real growth.
In 2012, two of the three metropolitan areas with the fastest real GDP growth in the country were in Texas—Houston and Dallas.
Several cities in Texas also let the way in growth in natural resources and mining:
Although natural resources and mining was not a major contributor to growth for the nation, several metropolitan areas in the Southwest region experienced strong growth spurred by this industry. Notable contributions to growth occurred in Laredo, TX (2.6 percentage points); San Angelo, TX (2.2 percentage points); Corpus Christi, TX (2.2 percentage points); and Longview, TX (2.1 percentage points). –Bureau of Economic Analysis
As Texans know and President Obama refuses to understand, the Lone Star State has already proven the keys to economic success and more jobs are lower taxes, less regulation and limited government.
What I can say is that I don’t want to be involved in government picking between winners and losers. I do want to be involved in having a tax structure that will be a natural magnet for businesses that are thinking about relocating here. If we can do that, you’re going to find even more businesses choosing to relocate to the state of Texas. –Greg Abbott
Greg Abbott will continue to ensure the Texas economy thrives, giving families and businesses the liberty to prosper—not by increasing taxes and regulations.