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Texas Municipal Police Association Endorses Attorney General Abbott

OCTOBER 19, 2010

AUSTIN – The Texas Municipal Police Association (TMPA) today endorsed Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and announced their support for his continued service as the state’s chief law enforcement official.

Tom Gaylor, TMPA Deputy Executive Director for Public Affairs praised General Abbott, saying, “the Texas Municipal Police Association has long supported Attorney General Abbott because of strong support for law enforcement and his commitment to keep Texas safe. Representing over 17,000 Texas Police officers, we’ve worked with General Abbott and we’ve seen him fight for the rights of Texans and aggressively prosecute criminals and predators. We support General Abbott’s re-election campaign and look forward to working with him again in the future.”

As Texas Attorney General, Abbott is the top law enforcement official in the state and is committed to working closely with local law enforcement to ensure that Texans are protected. With the help of local, state, and federal law enforcement officers, General Abbott’s Fugitive and Cyber Crimes units recently made their 2,000th arrest.

“The brave officers of TMPA dedicate their lives to protecting Texans from harm. Today’s endorsement reflects our record of effective law enforcement—and the commitment we’ve shown to the dedicated men and women who help keep Texas neighborhoods safe. As Attorney General, I am honored to have the support of Texas Municipal Police Association and look forward to working with them to protect and serve Texas families” said General Abbott.
