AUSTIN – The Texas Pyrotechnic Association PAC (TPA PAC) today endorsed Governor Abbott for re-election. As the oldest industry leader in fireworks and pyrotechnic safety in Texas, TPA PAC has worked to provide stronger consumer protection and innovation as Texas continues to grow and develop. In a video, Chester Davis, President of TPA, discussed Governor Abbott’s dedication to small businesses and strengthening the economic climate in Texas. Davis said, in part, “Governor Abbott understands the important role that small businesses play in Texas’ economic success. He has fostered a pro-business climate in Texas with low taxes and predictable regulations which allows industries like ours to prosper.”
“I am honored to receive the endorsement of the Texas Pyrotechnic Association PAC, an organization that epitomizes the powerful force of small businesses in our great state,” said Governor Abbott. “Texas is full of hardworking people who contribute to our small business industry, and their dedication has brought our state unprecedented economic success. Over the next four years, I look forward to expanding this success and reinforcing the notion that Texas is wide open for business.”