Last night, Texans sent a message.
You voted for hope over fear, for unity over division–for the majesty of what Texas is and what it can be.
We are so proud of our teenage daughter, Audrey. Though her eyes, we see the promise of the next generation of Texans.
And we will ensure Texas remains the state that provides opportunity for every Texan.
The opportunity to succeed should not be confined to a certain side of town; it is the birthright of every Texas child.
Texas understands that government is supposed to be the servant of the people, not the other way around. We will keep that priority straight.
Now more than ever, it is time for Texans to unite to achieve these goals because as Texas goes, so goes America. And as America goes, so goes the world.
Better schools, safer communities, and more opportunity for all. These priorities are bigger than any political party because we are Texans first.
We wouldn’t be here without the hard work of countless Texans. We have the best group of volunteers and the best campaign team in the history of Texas politics.
Thank you for making just one more call, for walking just one more block, and for knocking on just one more door!
Most importantly, thank you to our fellow Texans. During the past year, we’ve been able to meet so many of you, shake your hands, give you a hug, look you in the eye, and talk about our shared concerns and visions for Texas.
Together, we will keep Texas the best state in the nation.
May God bless us in our efforts,
Cecilia & Greg Abbott