USA Today’s John C. Moritz: “Abbott Assertive On Border Issues And Gang Intervention Efforts.” “Abbott assertive on border issues and gang intervention efforts. Valdez blames gang presence on border on the governor. ‘You let them come in’ she says without explanation.” (, 9/28/18)
Dallas Morning News’ J. David McSwane On Sheriff Valdez: “A Neophyte Who Struggles At Times To Land What Feel Like Canned Bullet Points.” “The Democratic Party’s national candidate crisis is playing out right now in Texas. Gov. Greg Abbott is a learned politician and shrewd debater up against a neophyte who struggles at times to land what feel like canned bullet points.” (, 9/28/18)
Journalist Matt Briscoe: “Valdez Is Seriously Struggling Worse Than Any Of Us Ever Could Have Thought.” Briscoe Tweet: “[Lupe Valdez] is spending more time taking jabs [Gov. Abbott] than she is answering the questions. Valdez is seriously struggling worse than any of us ever could have thought.” (, 9/28/18)
Dallas Morning News’ Lauren McGaughy: “Where [Valdez] Lacked (In The Debate) – Which Has Been A Criticism Of Her – Is Some Of Her Plans Have Been Scant On The Details.” (KXAS-TV, 9/28/18)
Texas Observer’s Forrest Wilder: “The Debate Is Over. For Now, The Dream Of A Real Opposition Party In America’s Second-Largest State Remains That — A Dream.” (, 9/28/18)
Journalist Chris Hooks: “Lupe Valdez Is Actually Doing A Better Than I Thought She Might, But In The Same Way That Your Neighborhood-League B-Ball Team Might Exhibit Good Dribbling Skills Against The San Antonio Spurs.” (, 9/28/18)