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Texans Sound the Alarm

It's great to see conservative Texans sounding the alarm about the IRS' outrageous targeting of conservatives and conservative groups. From FOX News: Watch the latest video at Join in calling for a full investigation of the IRS!

His Plans Are No Secret

The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty is a flagrant assault on the Second Amendment of our Constitution. Texans know that U.N. treaties do not trump the Constitution. "The Obama Administration’s plans to sign it are no secret:We look forward to signing it as soon as the process...

Enforcing the law

Attorney General Greg Abbott is shutting down businesses in Texas that illegally offer immigration services. Greg Abbott shuts down fraudulent immigration consultants Exploiting the federal government's failure to secure our border and fix our broken immigration...

Honoring our Heroes

Lee Greenwood’s song, “God Bless the USA,” has always been a favorite of mine. On Memorial Day, as we commemorate our nation’s fallen heroes, the lyrics seem extra poignant: And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men...

Defending Life

Attorney General Greg Abbott received the Defender of Life Award at Montgomery County Right to Life’s 2013 Dinner for Life. Watch General Abbott talk about what he’s done to protect Texas' most vulnerable, thanks to the tireless efforts of conservatives across the...

Abbott Named Among 30 Defending the Second Amendment

General Abbott has been named one of “30 influential Pro-Gun Rights Advocates” by USA Carry. And if someone could name the 25 million most pro-gun Americans, there’s no doubt that Texans would top the list. His challenge to the Obama Administration’s surrender of our...

The End of CSCOPE

It’s incredibly shocking to think that a Texas education curriculum would portray Boston Tea Party patriots as terrorists. That was just one of the many alarms raised about CSCOPE With your help, the era of CSCOPE has come to an end. Conservatives in the legislature...

No Small Task

Unfortunately, holding President Obama accountable for his reckless handling of the federal government is no small task. Texans know it's a round-the-clock job. Even the Austin American-Statesman's PolitiFact admits that Greg Abbott has kept busy holding the Obama...