“The additional $5 billon in Community Development Block Grant funds will inject desperately needed dollars to help restore our communities. As the recovery process from Hurricane Harvey continues, the State of Texas is continuing to work as quickly as possible to ensure affected regions have the resources they need to fully recover. I thank HUD Secretary Ben Carson, as well as all of our federal partners, for their ongoing commitment and support throughout this process, and I look forward to continuing our work together to help communities rebuild.”
─ Governor Greg Abbott
Governor’s Commission to Rebuild Texas
- Governor Abbott announced that Texas has been awarded $5,035,260,000 from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for disaster recovery from Hurricane Harvey and previous flood events. The Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Program funding for the rebuilding of housing, businesses and infrastructure comes from the disaster supplemental recently passed by Congress, and is in addition to the $5 billion in CDBG funding previously awarded to Texas late last year.
- In response to Governor Abbott’s request, the U.S. Department of Commerce declared a fishery resource disaster in Texas due to Hurricane Harvey. Impacted Texas fisheries are now eligible to apply for federal aid from the up to $200 million approved by Congress for recovery from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria.
- The U.S. Department of Agriculture will make disaster payments of up to $2.36 billion, as provided by Congress, to help America’s farmers and ranchers recover from Hurricane Harvey and other natural disasters across the country.
- The Rebuild Texas Fund launched by the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation in collaboration with the OneStar Foundation has raised $93.1 million from more than 32,000 donors, 100 percent of which will be deployed in communities, and invested over $18 million in 64 projects to rebuild and revitalize communities impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Details of those projects by region are now online.
- Because of the Commission’s daily outreach, as of April 10, 2018, roughly 6,243 reports have been submitted from the field to the Assistance Center at Texas A&M. From those reports, the Assistance Center identified 732 issues needing follow-up or resolution, and all have been resolved.
Individual Assistance
- Current individual assistance numbers are now posted on rebuildtexas.today/recovery-tracker.
- Individuals with questions regarding their Transitional Sheltering Assistance program eligibility or status may contact the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362 for assistance.
- To find the nearest Disaster Recovery Center visit fema.gov/drc, or text DRC along with a zip code to 43362 (4FEMA).
- FEMA’s Disaster Distress Helpline offers trained professionals who can help callers cope with anxiety or stress, and guide them to available resources. This toll-free, multilingual and confidential crisis support service is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call 800-985-5990, 800-846-8517 (TTY) or text TalkWithUs (Spanish-speakers text: Hablanos) to 66746.
- Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush announced the release of the State Action Plan detailing the distribution and eligible uses of $5.024 billion in Community Development Block Grants for Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) to assist Texas communities with long-term recovery following Hurricane Harvey. The Action Plan is available for review. The GLO encourages communities to carefully review this document and provide feedback by 5:00 p.m. on Thu., April 26, 2018.
- More than 13,000 Texas homes have now received repairs through the Partial Repair and Essential Power for Sheltering (PREPS) program. The GLO and FEMA are committed to helping Texans on the road to full recovery.
- There is an inspection deadline for all those affected by Hurricane Harvey who may be eligible for the Direct Assistance for Limited Home Repair (DALHR) program. The last date to have inspection scheduled is Fri., April 20, 2018. This deadline will close the DALHR program to any applicant who does not schedule an inspection by that date. All applicants who have been notified that they are potentially eligible for the DALHR program are encouraged to contact the GLO at 888-958-0877 to schedule their inspection prior to the deadline. The inspection deadline for DALHR does not apply to those living in the city of Houston, which is administering short-term direct housing programs within the city limits.
- As hurricane seasons again nears, FEMA reminds residents that Manufactured Housing Units (MHUs) are designed to be exceptionally safe and secure, but all forms of housing are at risk for damage in severe weather. Never take shelter in an MHU during high winds, a tornado, a hurricane or a flood. Stay alert to weather warnings, and always follow the guidance of local officials including evacuation orders. If your MHU is damaged due to severe weather, contact the maintenance number provided when licensed in the unit.
- Current housing numbers are now posted on rebuildtexas.today/recovery-tracker.
- TexasRebuilds.com is the housing information resource for individuals and communities.
- Follow Twitter.com/TXGLO for pictures of move-in days and updates on housing recovery.
- The Texas Department of Insurance’s Help After Harvey page explains consumer options to challenge an insurer’s estimate of damages or a claims denial. TDI can help with insurance questions and complaints through the Consumer Help Line at 800-252-3439, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon. to Fri.
- Flood insurance must be maintained to qualify for federal assistance in the future. NFIP policyholders with questions may call 800-621-3362, Mon. to Sat., 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For information, visit FloodSmart.gov.
- The Federal Housing Administration offers mortgage relief options to Hurricane Harvey survivors in Texas at 800-CALL-FHA.
Texans Helping Texans
Volunteers are needed for the nation’s biggest all-volunteer coastal cleanup Sat., April 21. The 2018 Texas General Land Office Adopt-A-Beach Coast-wide Spring Cleanup takes place at 27 of Texas’ most popular tourist beaches. Volunteers can sign up at one of the locations online at texasadoptabeach.org to take part in a fun-filled day at the beach that makes a difference.