Transcript For “Demolition Man”:
VO: “What would happen to Texas if Beto O’Rourke became governor? Beto would hammer us with crushing tax increases…”
CHYRON: Beto O’Rourke/Crushing Tax Increases
- O’Rourke Wants To Increase Personal, Corporate And Capital Gains Taxes. JOHN HARWOOD: “What sounds right to you?” BETO O’ROURKE: “I think you at a minimum roll back the worst elements of the Trump tax cuts. So the top marginal tax rate back up to 39%. If you were to do that, and in addition make some other structural changes to our tax code — the corporate tax rate, which was brought down from 35% to 21%, bring that back up to 28% — great place to start. And as you probably know, you generate hundreds of billions of dollars over the next 10 years. If you were to tax capital at the same rate that you tax ordinary wage income, like the waiters who are working here, you also get to some greater structural correction to a very unequal economy, and you generate the revenue necessary.” (John Harwood, “Beto O’Rourke Begins Filling In The Blanks On The Economy, Taxes And Entitlements,” CNBC, 7/5/19)
VO: “…Crumble our oil and gas industry with his radical environmental policies.”
CHYRON: Beto O’Rourke/Crumble Oil & Gas Industry
- O’Rourke Wants To End Drilling And New Fossil Fuel Leases On Federal Land And Charge Higher Royalty Rates For Drilling. “O’Rourke is no longer running for president. O’Rourke ‘will set a first-ever, net-zero emissions by 2030 carbon budget for federal lands, stopping new fossil fuel leases, changing royalties to reflect climate costs, and accelerating renewables development and forestation,’ a campaign spokesman told The Post. He pledged to ‘protect our most wild, beautiful, and biodiverse places for generations to come — including more of the Arctic and of our sensitive landscapes and seascapes than ever before — and establish National Parks and Monuments that more fully tell our American story.’” (“Would You End Leasing For Fossil Fuel Extraction On Federal Lands?,” The Washington Post, Accessed 9/20/21)
- O’Rourke Wants To End All Offshore Drilling Off The Coast Of The U.S. “Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke called on Congress on Wednesday to put a stop to oil drilling off the US coasts. The former congressman from Texas is asking members of Congress to pass South Carolina Democratic Rep. Joe Cunningham’s Coastal and Marine Economies Protection Act, which would place a moratorium on offshore drilling and prohibit the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management from offering any new tracts for oil and gas leasing or preleasing off the California, Oregon and Washington state coastline and the Atlantic Coast.” (Caroline Kenny, “Beto O’Rourke Calls On Congress To Halt Offshore Drilling,” CNN, 9/11/19)
- O’Rourke Supports Ending Tax Breaks For Oil And Gas Producers. “Beto O’Rourke released a proposal Monday outlining his plan to slash carbon emissions and finally wean the United States off of fossil fuels. … The $5 trillion proposal would be catalyzed by an initial $1.5 trillion investment, which his campaign says would be funded by ‘structural changes to the tax code’ that end corporate tax breaks for fossil fuels and other industries.” (Kate Wheeling, “Can Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies Pay For Beto O’Rourke’s Climate Plan?,” Pacific Standard, 4/30/19)
VO: “He’d destroy public safety, opening our borders…”
CHYRON: Beto O’Rourke/Open Borders
- In July O’Rourke Said He Wanted A Legal Pathway For “95 Percent Plus” Of The Illegal Immigrants Seeking To Come Into The United States. O’ROURKE: “We’re going to make sure that there is a safe, legal, orderly path for people to come here (to the United States) if they want to work, if they want to join family, if they’re seeking asylum and cannot go back to their country from which they came. When we take care of that, and that is 95 percent plus of those trying to come into the country right now. When we find that legal, safe, orderly path for them, that problem is off the table.” (Beto O’Rourke, Remarks, Beaumont, TX, 7/30/21)
VO: “…And defunding the police.”
CHYRON: Beto O’Rourke/Defund The Police
- O’Rourke Said He “Love(d)” That Black Lives Matter Sought To Defund Line Items And Dismantle Police Forces As Currently Constructed. SVITEK TWEET: “Here’s O’Rourke when asked Wed. about ’20 defund comments. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever advocated for defunding the police.’ In ’20: ‘I really love that [BLM, others] have put this front & center, to defund’ line items, reroute to services & in some cases, dismantle & rebuild forces.” (, 11/19/21)
- In 2020 O’Rourke Said The “City Council Of Minneapolis Made The Right Decision” On Police. O’ROURKE: “So I really love that Black Lives Matters and other protesters have put this front and center, to defund, you know, these line items that have overmilitarized our police, and instead invest that money in the human capital of your community, make sure that you have the services, the help, the support, the health care necessary to be well and not require police intervention, and then also in some necessary cases, completely dismantling those police forces and rebuilding them. And I think the city council of Minneapolis made the right decision.” (, 11/19/21)
- The Minneapolis Measure Was To “Dismantle” Its Police Force. “The Minneapolis City Council on Friday officially moved to dismantle its police force and replace it with a department of community safety and violence prevention in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd.” (Ray Sanchez And Pierre Meilhan, “Minneapolis City Council Advances Plan To Dismantle Embattled Police Force,” CNN, 6/26/20)
VO: “And Beto would demolish law and order with easy bail, putting violent criminals back on the street.”
CHYRON: Beto O’Rourke/Easy Bail For Violent Criminals
- O’Rourke Wants To “End The Cash Bail System.” “O’Rourke said he would ban private, for-profit prison systems and end the cash bail system.” (Rebecca Klar, “O’Rourke Unveils Criminal Justice Reform Plan,” The Hill, 10/18/19)
VO: “Texas under Beto O’Rourke wouldn’t be Texas any more.”
CHYRON: Beto O’Rourke/Too Radical For Texas