AUSTIN – Texas First Lady Cecilia Abbott today joined hundreds of children and families in Beaumont for the annual Jefferson County Child Welfare Board Foster Children’s Christmas Party. The party included free lunch, crafts and games for the kids, Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus, and 55 live Christmas trees decorated by the community that were raffled off to families in attendance.
“Many of these children and families lost everything in Hurricane Harvey, but today’s Christmas party will help lift their spirits and bring Christmas cheer to the entire community,” Mrs. Abbott said. “Never before have I seen so many Texans working together to make a difference. I want to thank the Jefferson County Child Welfare Board for your commitment to bringing joy and comfort to your fellow Texans throughout the year, but especially this holiday season.”
Mrs. Abbott has made raising awareness about the ways Texans can support the children and families in the state’s child welfare system one of her main initiatives – called Network of Nurture – in a partnership with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.