AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott today announced that Golden State Foods Corporation will be opening a new manufacturing and distribution facility for its Liquid Products Division in Burleson, Texas. Golden State Foods is one of the largest diversified suppliers to the Quick Service Restaurant and retail industries. The company services more than 125,000 restaurants and stores on five continents from its 50 locations. A Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF) grant offer of $900,000 has been extended to Golden State Foods contingent upon the company investing more than $19 million and the creation of 150 new jobs in Texas. The entire project, which will involve new construction and state-of-the-art design and build out is projected to exceed $70 million.
“Texas is a land of opportunity that promotes free enterprise for companies like Golden State Foods Corporation,” said Governor Abbott. “While Texas will continue to cut taxes and burdensome red tape, it is the people of this state that businesses are continuing to invest in. I am excited about the opportunity and growth Golden State Foods Corporation is bringing to the Burleson area and I look forward to their future success.”
“We are thrilled to be able to soon call Burleson home,” said John Maguire, GSF’s Vice President of liquid products North America. “There were many options in the Southwest, but Burleson was the best choice for us. The Burleson team were such great partners with their professionalism, compelling economic incentive package, investments in the local work force and overall commitment to the community that they rapidly became our preferred choice. We’re looking forward to becoming an active part of this fine community.”
“We are incredibly excited that Golden State Foods selected Burleson as the location of their new 160,000 square-foot facility,” said Burleson Mayor, Ken Shetter. “It is great news that quality jobs are coming to Burleson, and the company bringing those jobs has a long history of exhibiting stellar corporate values. Golden State Foods will become a vital piece of Highpoint Business Park, continuing to solidify Burleson as a city of choice for thriving businesses considering growth or expansion. It is important to note that Golden State Foods would not be coming to Burleson, Texas without the strong advocacy of Governor Abbott and the Texas Enterprise Fund. Finally, when it comes to economic opportunity, I would encourage businesses to join Golden State Foods and bet big on Burleson!”
“Landing the global company Golden State Foods in Burleson is a huge win for all of us in the community,” Alex Philips, economic development manager for the City, said. “This project was a true team collaboration, from working with the company and the site selection group to the City, County, State and utility companies. The entire team is excited to welcome Golden State Foods to Burleson, Texas. We truly are, Hometown, Done Right!”
View more information about Golden State Foods Corporation.