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AUSTIN – Governor Abbott has appointed Jody Goehring to the Product Development and Small Business Incubator (PDSBI) Board for a term set to expire on February 1, 2019. Additionally, the Governor appointed Manny Salazar for a term set to expire on February 1, 2021 and appointed Jimmie Limon, Melina Moore, and Colette Walls for terms set to expire on February 1, 2023. The PDSBI fund is a revolving loan program administered by the Texas Economic Development Bank within the Governor’s Office of Economic Development Finance Division at the direction of the PDSBI Board. The purpose of the fund is aid in the development, production and commercialization of new or improved products and to foster and stimulate small business in the state.

Jody Goehring of Austin is the vice president of Corporate and Business Development at RetailMeNot, and leads all mergers and acquisitions, investments, and partnership activity for the company. He is a member of The Seton Fifty, and serves on the Ronald McDonald House of Central Texas Advisory Council. Goehring received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Pennsylvania and a Master of Business Administration from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Manny Salazar of Kingsville is the executive director of the Greater Kingsville Economic Development Council. He is a member of the Kleberg County Communities in Schools Board of Directors, Riviera ISD Career and Technical Education Advisory Board, and the Kingsville ISD Career and Technical Education Advisory Board. Salazar received a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Texas A&M Kingsville.

Jimmie Limon of Harlingen is a lecturer and associate Master of Business Administration director at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. He is an academic member of the Texas Society of CPA’s, member of the South Texas Manufacturing Association, and a former member of the South Texas Mortgage Association. He has been an entrepreneur in his local community for the past 17 years in the areas of finance and construction development. Limon received a Bachelor of Arts in criminal justice from Chapman University, a Master of Business Administration and Master in Accountancy from The University of Texas Pan American.

Melinda Moore of Lufkin is the chief financial officer at Cascade Health Services, LLC. She is a member of the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants, Southwest Benefits Association, and the Junior League of Lufkin. Additionally, she is a graduate of Leadership Lufkin Class 35, a board member of the Museum of East Texas, board member and treasurer of The Coalition, Inc. covering Angelina County, and a vice chair of the Lufkin/Angelina County Chamber of Commerce Executive Board. Moore received a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting and finance from Lamar University and is a licensed certified public accountant.

Colette Walls of Sinton is the community relations advisor for Gulf Coast Growth Ventures. She is a member of the San Patricio County Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors, Portland Lions Club, and the Portland Rotary Club and a past member of the Aransas Pass Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Walls received a certificate in IOM designation, non-profit, public, and organization management from the Institute for Organizational Management at Villanova University.