AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Lauren Day for a term set to expire on September 1, 2020, and Perry Gilmore, Ph.D. and Carol Hernandez for terms set to expire September 1, 2021 to the Texas Crime Stoppers Council. The Council advises the Governor on crime stoppers programs in Texas and certifies local crime stoppers programs in order for them to receive payments of rewards or payments of probation fees established by the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Lauren Day of Austin is founder and president of GoodBuzz Solutions, a marketing consulting firm. She is a member of Women Communicators of Austin and Steiner Ranch Master Association. Day received a Bachelor of Science in integrated marketing communications from Abilene Christian University, a Master of Arts in international relations and a Master of Science in public relations both from Syracuse University.
Perry Gilmore, Ph.D. of Amarillo is CEO and board president of Amarillo Recovery from Alcohol and Drugs and is a reserve deputy sheriff with the Randall County Sheriff’s Department, with nearly 40 years of law enforcement experience. He is secretary of Amarillo South Rotary and member of the Texas Association for Investigative Hypnosis Board of Directors and Panhandle Behavioral Health Alliance. Gilmore received a Bachelor of Science in law enforcement from Sam Houston State University, Master of Arts and a Masters of Business Administration from West Texas State University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in psychology from Northcentral University.
Carlo Hernandez of Brownsville is the founder and owner of AC-I Service A/C & Heating and CGH Property Investment. He is chair and founding member of the Cameron County Crime Stoppers, founding member of La Cultura Vive en Brownsville and an advisory member at Brightwood College.