AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott today delivered remarks at the 2018 Republican Party Of Texas State Convention in San Antonio, Texas. In his speech, Governor Abbott reflected on the progress that Texas has made over the last four years, as well as the successes and challenges that have brought Texans together. The Governor also laid out his plan for the next four years, and called upon delegates, volunteers, and supporters alike to join him in taking Texas to even greater heights.
“At this Convention four years ago, I laid out a vision for an even better Texas,” said Governor Abbott. “Since then, we have fulfilled that vision and we have kept Texas on the path to prosperity. I am proud to report that Texas is better today than we were four years ago. Working together, we will write the next chapter in our extraordinary history. We will keep Texas red, we will keep Texas free, and we will keep Texas the greatest state in the United States of America.”
Note: Governor Abbott often deviates from prepared remarks.
Thank you. It’s great to be here at a political convention that believes in God Almighty and would never take a knee during the national anthem.
I’d like to thank my daughter Audrey for the introduction. I’m proud of the young woman she has become.
Think about this: she’s 21 years old now. For her entire life, only Republicans have been elected to state-wide offices in Texas. Everyone in this auditorium deserves credit for that record.
It’s great to be back in San Antonio. It’s the hometown of my wife Cecilia and where we got married. She’s been a fabulous First Lady and two months from today, we celebrate our 37th anniversary.
Yesterday, we celebrated a different anniversary. We hosted an event commemorating Flag Day.
I want to recognize everyone who defended the freedom our flag symbolizes. If you have ever worn the uniform of the United States Military, please stand or wave so we can thank you for your service.
It’s an honor to address the largest Republican convention in the entire world. I thank all the delegates and volunteers for your tireless work to keep Texas the most exceptional state in America.
Texas isn’t great by chance. Texas is great because of people like you. People who prove that anything is possible in Texas. People who rally for the cause of freedom. People who fight for our Texas values.
At this convention four years ago, I talked about those values. I laid out a vision for an even better Texas. A vision, I might add, that led to a 20 point victory in the last election.
Since then, we have fulfilled that vision and we kept Texas on the path of prosperity. I am proud to report that Texas is better today than we were four years ago.
There’s no better example of that than our economy. With the Republicans you sent to the Texas House and Senate, we spurred our economy by cutting taxes and regulations. We invested in the largest road building project in Texas history, and we focused on developing a world-class workforce.
Because of what we’ve done the past four years, the Texas economy is stronger today than it’s ever been.
For example, our unemployment rate is not just better than four years ago, it’s better than it’s been in the past 40 years. Low unemployment has benefited all demographics in Texas from African American, Hispanic, Asian American, Anglos, and women.
It doesn’t matter what your race, sex, or religion is. If you are a Texan, you have a better chance at a higher paying job than you did four years ago. The result is that more Texans have jobs today than ever before in the history of our state.
As of this morning, Texas has created 750,000 new jobs since I took office. If you take every man, woman, and child who lives in Amarillo, Midland, Waco, Tyler, and Beaumont combined, they wouldn’t add up to as many new jobs created in Texas since I took office.
But it’s more than just jobs, it’s what we do with those jobs. For example, the US now leads the world in oil production with Texas leading the way.
Because of Texas, America is now energy independent.
Because of Texas, we will never again depend on foreign oil cartels for energy.
And it’s more than oil. It’s also things like healthcare. Texas is home to the largest medical center in the entire world.
Texas is not just the home of technology giants. For five years in a row, we’ve ranked number one for technology exports. Texas is number one in producing things like cattle and cotton, sheep and goats, wool and mohair.
If you combine all the goods and services produced by all the people and businesses in Texas, we have an annual GDP of 1.7 trillion dollars.
Let me put that differently. If Texas was its own country, we’d have the 10th largest economy in the entire world. The Texas economy alone is larger than Russia’s. That makes me more powerful than Putin.
And I’ll tell you this, you had more to do with the presidential election than did Russia.
It’s not just the economy that’s doing well. Our schools are doing better too. Our high school graduation rate is not just higher than four years ago – it’s higher than it’s ever been.
We have more Blue Ribbon Public Schools than any state in America. Of the top 100 public high schools in the country, more are in Texas than any other state.
Higher education has also improved. In the last four years, we have doubled the number of Tier One universities in Texas. The minds that will power America’s future are educated in Texas today.
Our communities are safer. To help that, we cracked down on human traffickers. We expanded Anti-Gang Task Forces, arresting dangerous gangs like MS-13. We sent the National Guard to help secure the border. And we banned Sanctuary Cities.
We couldn’t keep our communities safe without our brave law enforcement officers. To protect and support our law enforcement officers, Texas provided them with rifle resistant vests, and we made it a hate crime to assault a law enforcement officer simply because of the uniform they wear.
We also support our fire fighters, and all of our first responders. To all of them, I want you to know that you have the enduring gratitude of the people of Texas, and you have a governor who has your back.
Join me in thanking the law enforcement officers, first responders, and fire fighters who put their lives on the line to keep Texans safe.
Our first responders have been put to the test this past year. At Santa Fe High School, the police officers didn’t cower. Instead, they ran toward danger. They engaged the attacker with gun-fire. And because of their bravery, they ended his evil acts.
At Sutherland Springs, a good guy with a gun really did stop a mad man from further mayhem.
During Hurricane Harvey, heroic first responders saved thousands of lives. They worked alongside a flotilla of every-day Texans.
Texans with bass boats, kayaks, and canoes rescuing their neighbors. The worst of storms brought out the best in humanity.
These events could have ripped us apart. Instead, they brought us together. In times of tragedy, Texans unite.
We know there’s no earthly force more powerful than Texans responding to adversity.
I’ll never forget the day of the Sutherland Springs shooting. I hugged and prayed with victims and their families. Even in the fog of that horrific tragedy, people in Sutherland Springs looked me in the eye and insisted, “Don’t let them use this to take away our guns.”
They understood the necessity of their individual right to keep and bear arms. Not for hunting or sport, but to defend themselves.
As Governor, I will never allow your second amendment rights to be infringed.
As great as Texas already is, we know there’s more work that must be done if we are going to keep Texas the premier state in America.
That starts by reining in your property taxes. The Democrats want to raise your taxes. I’m running for governor to make sure that never happens.
Many of you are being crushed by skyrocketing property taxes. Some seniors are being taxes out of their homes. In fact, one candidate running for governor hasn’t paid her property taxes.
To make it easier for everybody, I’ve already announced legislation to limit your property taxes and to give you the power to fire your property tax appraiser and to elect a better one.
I’m also running for governor to make our schools even better. I want to give our teachers the pay raise they deserve, and I want to end once and for all the Robin Hood scheme that has failed our students.
We must also do more to support our veterans. On the day I filed for re-election, I announced solutions for our veterans. Solutions that provide more job opportunities and provide our veterans better access to the health care they earned.
I’m running for governor to make our communities safer. Democrats want to eviscerate the ban on sanctuary cities. They are running on the Open Borders Plan of George Soros.
Not only will I enforce the ban on sanctuary cities and continue to secure the border, I will also expand the crackdown on gangs like MS-13 and I will work to end human trafficking in Texas.
Speaking of Democrats, there’s nothing they would love more than returning Texas to the clutches of Planned Parenthood. I’m running for governor to keep Texas a pro-life leader.
Democrats also want to get rid of voter ID laws. I’m running for governor to pass laws that prevent voter fraud.
Some people just don’t believe that Texas is exceptional. The Democrats insist that a so-called “blue wave” is coming to Texas. But come November, we’re going to show them that Texas values are not up for grabs.
182 years ago, four blocks from right here, Texas exceptionalism rose from the ashes of the Alamo, where heroes died for Texas freedom. The fight for independence at the Alamo put Texas on a pathway to become the premier state in America.
But here’s the deal: the heroes at the Alamo, they are long gone. Now, it’s up to you. It’s your turn. You are the patriots who will determine the destiny of Texas.
Your passion and your commitment are needed now more than ever.
From now until election day, we must remember this is more than an election. This is a battle for the freedom we inherited.
It is a battle to protect our constitutional rights and uphold the rule of law. It is a battle to limit the growth of government and let you keep more of your hard-earned money. It is a battle to preserve religious liberty and ensure every child has a chance at life. It’s a reminder that our liberties come not from government, but from God almighty.
This is a battle for the soul of Texas.
Working together, we will write the next chapter in our extraordinary history.
We will keep Texas red. We will keep Texas free, and we will keep Texas the greatest state in the United States of America.