AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Mike Cox, Bryan Hedrick, Allison Hymel, Cecilia “Cissy” Reynolds-Perez, and Paul Robbins to the Texas School Safety Center Board for terms set to expire on February 1, 2020. The board reports to the Governor, the legislature, the State Board of Education, and the Texas Education Agency regarding school safety and security, and advises the center on its function, budget, and strategic planning initiatives.
Mike Cox of Driftwood is an emergency medical technician and a firearms safety instructor licensed by the Texas Department of Public Safety. He serves as a communications officer for the Federal Disaster Medical Assistance Team TX1 and previously served as a firefighter and EMT for the Wimberley Fire & Rescue Department. Cox received a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Houston.
Bryan Hedrick of Hereford is the director of Special Services for the Hereford Independent School District and is a constable for Deaf Smith County. He has over 35 years of law enforcement experience, with 27 of those years spent focused on school safety. Additionally, he is a member of the Texas Justice of the Peace and Constable Association. Hedrick served in the United States Army before being medically discharged. He earned his Texas Peace Officer license from the Panhandle Regional Law Enforcement Academy and a vocational teaching certificate from Wayland Baptist University.
Allison Hymel of Allen is a third grade teacher at Isbell Elementary located in the Frisco Independent School District (ISD), and serves as the grade level coach for her grade level. She previously served as a Math Vertical Team leader and a member on the Campus Improvement Team for Isbell Elementary. Additionally, she was a member of the math curriculum writing team for the 2017-2018 school year for Frisco ISD, and serves as a volunteer for the organization Living for Zachary. Hymel received a Bachelor of Science in applied learning development from The University of Texas at Austin.
Cecilia “Cissy” Reynolds-Perez of Corpus Christi is a principal at W.B. Ray High School in the Corpus Christi Independent School District (CCISD). Previously, she served as principal at South Park Middle School and Evans Elementary School, both in CCISD. She is a member of the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals, National Association of Secondary School Principals, and the Association of Texas Professional Educators. Additionally, she is a member of the PTA and a former advisory member of the Boys & Girls Club. Reynolds-Perez received a Bachelor of Science in elementary education from Texas A&I University Kingsville a Master of Science in education administration and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Texas A&M University Corpus Christi.
Paul Robbins of Nacogdoches is a private attorney and is licensed to practice in both Texas State Courts and Federal Courts. Robbins offices in Lufkin and serves as a regional attorney for the Texas Municipal Police Association. He is a member of the State Bar of Texas and the American Bar Association, and serves as the Commander of the Nacogdoches Sheriff’s Office Reserve Deputies Division, where he has been a peace officer for over 25 years. Additionally, he is a member and former director of the Blue Knights – Chapter 22 and immediate past president of the East Texas Peace Officers Association. He received a Basic Peace Officers License, after training at the East Texas Police Academy at Kilgore College, and has earned an Intermediate, Advanced, and Master Peace Officer Certificates from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. Robbins received a Bachelor of Business Administration and Masters of Business Administration from Stephen F. Austin State University and a Juris Doctor degree from South Texas College of Law.