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AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott today spoke at the annual Texas Rally for Life at the State Capitol where thousands in attendance joined in their commitment to protecting the rights of the unborn and advocating for pro-life policies in Texas. In his remarks, Governor Abbott celebrated recent legislative actions that further protect life, and he thanked pro-life leaders for their work in promoting and creating a culture of life in Texas.

“It’s been 45 years since Roe v. Wade, and since then Texas has become the national leader in defending life,” said Governor Abbott. “As Governor I will fight for every child to have a chance at life. I thank our legislative leaders who work to pass laws that protect life, and so many Texans who continue to give a voice to the voiceless and fortify the culture of life in this state.”

As Governor and during his tenure as Texas Attorney General, Governor Abbott has advocated for and signed laws to further protect life. In the most recent legislative session, the Governor signed laws to ban partial-birth abortions, end the practice of selling baby body parts for profit, and renew funding for the Alternatives to Abortion program.

Earlier this week, Governor Abbott proclaimed January 22nd Sanctity of Life Day in Texas.